Headcanons (RiChaRD)

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Hello everyone, this is a new thing I am starting. I like to call it, 'An excuse for the author to make an update of the book.' Nice title huh? Came up with it myself. I hope you enjoy this first headcanon of Richard.

♢ Lot's of kisses for the misses...er misters also?

♢ Damian hating your guts as much as he hates Tim.

♢ Jason actually taking a liking to you, and Dick being jealous of that

♢Giving Tim lots of coffee when patrolling with him

♢That's right you are a vigilante also!

♢You meant him when they Young Justice team was just forming, being a 'sidekick' of Wonder Woman

♢He looked cute in that Robin outfit

♢Being the super-powered just like your mentor

♢ You rescue him, not the other way around

♢ Alfred adores you because you help him clean and cook when you are over

♢Handcuffs from his day job

♢ Meeting his exes...

♢ Bruce always glaring at you for killing ONE thug, just one.

♢That thug deserved it, he tried to kill Dami

♢ You always appearing out of nowhere to help Dick in Blüdhaven

♢ Damian somehow seeing a liking to you after his saving.

♢ Rarely getting kidnapped because they are all afraid of you and the Batfam + Wonder Woman

♢Mostly you and Wonder Woman

♢Neck kisses

♢You not wearing skirts around him

♢ He gets touchy sometimes

♢ Wally always around you two at the watchtower

♢ Going to visit his parent's graves

♢ Crying when he gets badly hurt on missions

♢ When fear gas is used, he sees you and his family dying

♢When horror movies are on, he hides behind you


♢ The Young Justice team looking at you like you are their sister

♢ You two being disgusted when Bruce and Diane flirt.

♢Laughing at his laughing and dancing

♢Matching Halloween costumes

♢ Barbra doesn't really like you

♢ You don't really care

♢She has tried to kill you before since she is obsessed with Dick

♢That sounded wrong...

♢Dick protecting you from her, even though you don't need it

♢You like it slow and rough with him

Okay, I think that is enough. If you want more of these than please tell me. If not, again tell me.

Umm, so I need request so I am going to put a few pictures down, they are all one sentence prompts, please tell me if you want to make a request and which boy you want it with. Thanks

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