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Requested by @girloffanfictions. Again, I'm sorry these request take so long to come out.

But I'm in high school now and I'm doing all honor courses, so it's been tough recently.

Anyways, thanks for reading as always.

99- "I don't care what the say, it doesn't mean shit!"

Arguing with Jason happened often. But they were small arguments over the stupidest things. Such as what food to eat, what to wear, what color to paint the bathroom.

Arguing about your insecurities however, was a whole different story. These bickering momenta start small, but grow in size tremendously and quickly too. A wildfire often happened as a result of the argument when both of you refused to stand down.

This particular argument was caused by the snotty ladies from one of Bruce's parties. You and Jason were invited like always, but Jason actually decided to go.

Big mistake.

You wore a beautiful (f/c) floor length dress that hugged you in all the right places, at least that what Jason said while kissing you. You didn't exactly believe it.

Your confidence shined through though as Jason have you more compliments on the way to the large manor. Alfred was outside the door, awaiting you both while welcoming other prestigious guest.

When you both walked up to Alfred, you brought him in for a tight hug with a bright smile. He said his hello to you both and then directed you inside to meet up with Bruce and the other boys.

When you all met up you all talked to each other about little things, all the while managing to catch up on random events in your life.

The boys all gave you compliments, even Damian murmured that you look especially nice today.

Throughout the entire night you dance with the boys and Bruce, even secretly being able to sneak in a quick little slow dance with Alfred.

Unfortunately you heard somethings from the other guest. They said small things at first, talking about how the dress didn't compliment your figure, or how you hair look unsightly.

But as the moon seemed to scale the night sky quickly, their remarks grew more with hatred and malice.

"She is hideous, how she managed to date Jason is beyond me."

"She is a whore, a slut basically begging to be murdered."

"I heard from someone that she used to be a stripper, she probably has some sort of STD."

The last one made you very upset, how would spread a rumor like that around? You were just trying to have a good time with you boyfriend and his amazing family.

You let go of Bruce, who you were having a father-daughter dance with, and left the large room to go and have a breath of fresh air.

You ended out on one of the balconies, waiting for Jason to come and join you, you knew he would since he saw you walk off.

Jason heard the comments made by the rude people. They made his stomach churn with hatred. How could they say those things? They don't know the first thing about you.

He calmly left the table he was originally sitting at, and stepped away to go and get you.

Jason searched the halls of the manor, waiting to see your figure and elegant dress. He finally saw you on one of the balconies, looking up at the night sky.

"(Y/N)? Babe, are you okay?" he walked up behind you and wrapped his strong arms around you.

You flinched lightly at his rough, handsome voice, but still smiled lightly at him. He noticed that your radiant smile didn't reach you ears, and he cursed all who caused this in his head.

"Babe, what are you doing put here? It is winter time and you are shivering. Besides, you should be enjoying yourself at the party," he said, trying to get your attention again.

"I could say the same to you, you should be having fun with your brothers and Bruce."

Jason sighed at your pathetic attempts to get him to leave, but obviously didn't budge.

"Why are you listening to them (Y/N)? They are all just ignorant bastards who need to grow up. You are perfect, everyone in this family loves you, especially me. No one hates you. You don't need validation from those dumbasses."

You felt a giggle leave your throat, as tears pricked your (E/C) irises. You grinned sadly before speaking up once more.

"I know I shouldn't listen to them Jason, but I just can't help it. I feel like they are right sometimes." Letting out a deep long sigh,  you continued your long monologue, "I don't deserve you Jason, you are perfect, handsome, intelligent, caring, and just amazing. I'm just ugly and stupid."

Jason pulled you into his suit clad chest roughly, growling into your ear, "I don't care what they say, it doesn't mean shit! I love you so much and I am never going to break up with you because of some whores and bastards who don't know anything!"

Jason let go of you slowly, and grabbed you soft hand into his. "Now, let's put some bitches in their places."


Oop, I haven't updated in forever. Anyways, I hope you enjoyed this one-shot of Jason, be sure to read some other one-shots also.

Don't forget to comment on my Q&A thingy, ask me anything you want! Thank you~

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