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Mitch's POV.

"You're NOTHING!" He yelled at me.

I sobbed. I was used to him being an asshole, but words like these just cut into me deeply. I sat down on the floor, hiding my head in my arms.

"Don't just sit there! Look at me!" He yelled again and I felt his hands on my arms. He pulled them away from my head. He hovered above me. I looked at him, really scared.

"Why are you like this?" I whispered.

"Why am I like this?! Why are YOU like this? Piece of shit! I can't believe I took you with me, into MY house!" He said and I felt worthless again.

This has been happening for the past two years. He used to be so sweet, romantic and charming, but he has changed into this monster. Yes, monster. That's what he is.

"I'm sorry." I whimpered.

"You're sorry?! You are worthless! You should be thankful." He said.

He was right, I AM worthless.

"I'm thankful, I really am. So thankful." I whispered.

He walked away from me. He has never been physical with me, but words hurt more. Bruises fade away, words stay. I shift a little. Scared to draw his attention. I'm still with him. I just don't have the courage to run away. I've always been weak. Somehow I keep thinking I deserve this shitty relationship.

"Stand up." He ordered.

I stand up slowly and look at him.

"Yes?" I answered.

"What are you going to do after this? Are you going to cut yourself again? Pathetic!"

He was right... I AM pathetic. I do cut myself sometimes. I can't help it. It softens the pain inside of me. Bringing the pain to the surface really helps. I've got so many scars. I've covered them with tattoos mostly, but I know they're still there.

"I guess." I shrugged.

"Get out of my sight! I don't want a pathetic piece of shit in my sight." He yelled.

I walked to my room.

We are in a relationship, but we have seperate rooms. Sometimes he allows me to sleep in his bed. When we've had sex and I'm too sore to walk back, but he never cuddles up with me.

I sit on my bed, his words flashing through my mind. It's driving me crazy! I feel the urge to cut myself. I hold my head in my hands.

"No. No, not this time. I need to be strong, just for once." I said to myself.

I've always been weak. Pleasing people, allowing others to treat me shitty. It should stop. I look at my small suitcase which is standing next to my closet. Should I? It just takes like 10 minutes...

I hear the frontdoor. He went outside! Maybe he is doing some groceries. Look at me, I am 25 years old and I still can't decide what to do. This is my chance. I could sneak out and run away. Would he find me?

I sigh and walk to my suitcase. I open it. Why haven't I done this earlier? Why do I feel this kind of courage now? I start packing. This is it. After two years of shitty circumstances I am finally doing what I had to do earlier. I am going to run away. Away from him.

I pack the last things and close my suitcase. I bring it downstairs. Making sure he isn't home yet. I smile at my suitcase, luckily it's small. I walk outside and face the house.

"It's over. I'm leaving you. Goodbye." I said.

And then, I run. Leaving my past life there, behind me.

(COMPLETE) Please, don't try to fix me. - Book 1.Where stories live. Discover now