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Mitch's POV.

It happened so fast... Henry standing in the doorway. Him knocking Kevin out. Scott coming here. Me trying to hide myself into Scott. Beau attacking Henry.

Now I heard a gunshot and an icecold scream. I didn't dare to look, but I knew enough when I heard that one heartless scoff. I flinched.

"Beau!" Scott shouted.

I felt Scott standing up, I whimpered. I opened my eyes. Beau was on the floor, I saw blood. I tried to hide under the blankets.

Scott kneeled at Beau's side.

Henry walked to me, lowering his gun.

"Beau! Thank God, it's just your leg. Beau, stay with me." Scott said.

"H-Hurts..." Beau said softly.

"Look at that. It seems he cares more about that Beau than he cares about you." Henry whispered in my ear.

"No." I said softly.

Henry smirked.

"You're nothing. You're crazy if you would even think someone cares about you. You're worthless." Henry whispered in my ear again.

I swallowed, I tried not to let those words hit me. I watched Scott pulling his shirt off to press on Beau's wound. Beau screamed in pain.

"You're wrong." I whispered.

Henry grabbed my chin and forced me to look at him.

"I'm never wrong." Henry growled.

"A first time for everything." I said.

The next moment I felt my cheek stinging. I shrieked. My hand flew to my cheek immediately. I looked at him with wide eyes.

I heard Scott's loud gasp.

"Don't you dare to hit my boy again!" Scott yelled.

"Or?" Henry smirked.

Scott looked at Beau.

"Here. Press it." Scott said as he walked closer to Henry.

Scott stood very close to Henry now.

"Or I will make sure that you will rot in prison..." Scott growled.

"Prison doesn't scare me." Henry said.

Scott sat next to me again and he held me close to him. I savored the feeling, almost inhaling his warmth.

"Just look at you two... What a great illussion..." Henry whispered.

"It's not an illussion!" I snapped.

"You're not worth it." Henry chuckled.

"I-I am! Scott loves me and you know what? Beau loves me too. People do fall for me. I don't believe you anymore!" I told Henry.

"Your words don't hurt anymore, Henry. Beau and I fell in love with Mitch, he is worth our love." Scott smiled.

I smiled at Scott. He accepted Beau his feelings for me?

"Nonsense!" Henry exclaimed.

Scott hugged me.

"I swear. If we come out of this alive I'm never letting you go again." Scott whispered in my ear.

I burried my face in Scott's chest.

"Mitch, I want you to come with me now." Henry said.

I gasped. Holding Scott even closer to me.

"Never." I said.

"What?" Henry asked.

"You've heard me." I said.

"Don't you dare to disobey me!" Henry yelled.

"I am not your slave anymore. I can disobey you whenever I want. I am in this clinic now and I am working to a bright future for myself and my boy." I said.

Henry walked to me and lifted his hand. I shrunk into Scott. Suddenly I felt Scott kick something. I opened my eyes. Scott had managed to kick Henry's gun out of his hand and it was on the floor now.

Henry turned around to get his gun, but Scott was faster than him. Scott attacked Henry, hitting him multiple times.

"This is for what you've done to my boy!" Scott exclaimed.

Henry fought back and he hit Scott's face. I shrieked as Scott fell on the bed and I saw his bleeding lips.

Scott stood quickly again and he lost it. He hit Henry so hard that Henry fell on the floor next to Kevin. Scott continued hitting him with so much rage.

"Scott! Stop! He's unconscious already!" I exclaimed.

Scott didn't hear me, he was so angry.

I slowly walked to Scott. I held him. He melted into me.

"We're alright... We're alright, hon. It's okay. I am alright." I said softly.

I looked at Beau and crawled to him.

"Hi dude... Hanging in there?" I joked a bit.

"Y-Yeah... H-Hurts." Beau whispered.


After Scott called an ambulance and the police, I cuddled with Scott.

The police have asked us some questions about what happened. I decided to give them the full story. Henry is probably going to rot in prison for a long time.

I sighed.

"Do you think Kevin will allow me to visit my boyfriend every day?" I asked Scott.

"Boyfriend?" Scott whispered.

"Yes, boyfriend." I said.

"Depends on who your boyfriend is." Scott smiled.

"You, silly." I giggled.

"Do you want me to be your boyfriend?" Scott smiled.

"Yes. Should I ask you properly? Okay. Scott Richard Hoying... Do you want to be my boyfriend?" I asked.

Scott's eyes twinkled as he looked into my eyes.

"Yes, I do." Scott said.

I smiled at him and I pulled him down for a soft and sweet kiss.

(COMPLETE) Please, don't try to fix me. - Book 1.Where stories live. Discover now