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Mitch's POV.

I feel shivers through my entire body. I've spent the night in this alley. I couldn't sleep properly, too scared that I would get robbed or something. It's so cold, though I see the sun shining brightly. Thank God it's morning. I stand up and drag my small suitcase with me. Wandering through the streets of L.A.

I'm hungry. I look into my wallet. Not much, but fair enough. I see a Starbucks, I smile. Coffee and a caramel muffin. Sounds great to me. I walk in very self-conscious. I hate this feeling, but I try to stand in line properly. I sigh deeply.

"Starting a hard day?" Someone behind me said.

I turn to the person who's said it. It's a dark man, I guess mid twenties too.

"Really hard." I sighed again.

He shaked my hand.

"Kevin Olusola. Dr. Kevin Olusola." He said, repeating with his title as he looked at my arms with a raised eyebrow.

Shit, I should've worn long sleeves.

"I'm Mitch." I said shakily.

"Just Mitch?" Kevin asked kindly.

"Yes, just Mitch for now." I said.

He was a stranger after all.

"If I may be so free to say this... It looks like today isn't the only hard day." Kevin said, pointing at my arms.

I shrugged, looking down at my feet.
Kevin placed his hand on my shoulder, it feels comforting. I look up at him and my eyes met his.

"Yeah..." I whispered.

"Hey, it's okay. If you would like some help, I work at a clinic for people who are willing to stop selfharm. You too deserve a brighter future." Kevin whispered back with a kind smile.

I process what he's said, I have never thought about stopping myself doing selfharm.

"I don't know, I'm not that brave." I said.

"I bet you are. I see your small suitcase. You've ran away? That takes some courage, Mitch." Kevin smiled brightly.

His teeth are intensely white against his dark skin.

"Yes. Bad relationship. My boyfriend isn't the best. Ex-boyfriend." I said.

"I see. How about... Me paying for whatever you came here for and we'll walk to the clinic after that?" Kevin said.

I hesitate for a second. Could I trust him? I guess so. He seems to be a nice man.

"I'm not sure if I want to be in a clinic." I said after a while.

"Oh, that's okay. I could give you a tour through it first and you can decide. We have a room for two left. I know this might be scary, someone approaching you all of a sudden." Kevin whispered.

"It's kind of weird, but I appreciate it." I smiled.

He deserves my smile, it's ugly though.
It was my turn I ordered my coffee and my caramel muffin. I let Kevin pay for it and I thank him. We walk to a corner together and sit there. I've managed to tell him more about my crappy relationship and I could see him listening genuinely.

After 30 minutes of ugly sobs from me and gorgeous comforting smiles from him, we walk to the clinic. It wasn't that far from Starbucks, but I remained silent. I mean, telling about my bad relationship has gotten me exhausted. According to the crappy night I've had, I could use some sleep too. I yawn.

"Tired?" Kevin asked.

"Yeah... I've tried to sleep in an alley and I was scared that I would get robbed. So, I practically stayed up all night." I sighed.

"You could sleep here. We have a room left for two." Kevin said as he opened the door of the clinic, letting me in first.

I wanted to decline his offer, but having some sleep sounded so good. I nod.

"After the tour, please. I want to know in what kind of building I'm in." I smiled.

"Of course." Kevin agreed.

He led me through the whole building, showing me the different departments they had and everything.
It looked really nice and strangely it gave me a feeling of being safe.

"I feel safe here!" I blurted out.

Oh, no... Stupid. I shouldn't have said that, it sounds shitty. I'm shitty.
Kevin must have noticed the shock in my eyes. He layed his hand on my shoulder again and he smiled sweetly.

"It's okay. That's why we're here. To make you feel safe. Here's your room. I need to know your full name now. I'll have to make a note that you're going to sleep here." Kevin said.

"Mitchell Coby Michael Grassi. I'm 25 years old, if that's important too." I answered.

"Thanks, it's all up to you now. Remember, I'm Dr. Kevin Olusola. If you need me, just ask. Sleep well, Mitch." Kevin said and he left.

I walk into the room. It's cosy. Lots of wood, which makes it feel like home. A good home. I decide to take the bed near the window. There's another bed too. I place my suitcase next to the window. I lay down and drift away quickly, falling into a peaceful sleep.


I woke up to another person laying in the bed next to me. I check my watch, I've slept for 3 hours. It's afternoon right now.
I sit up and look at the person next to me, it's a guy. A tall blonde guy. Mid twenties too? He's handsome. Wait, what am I thinking? I'm really a worthless piece of shit.

(COMPLETE) Please, don't try to fix me. - Book 1.Where stories live. Discover now