Chapter 2 - The Breakup

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*Picture of Hannah*

I closed the door behind me and sat Hannah down on the edge of my bed. "Hey! What about me?" Corbyn screamed from the other side of the door.

I opened the door, "sorry," I said to him, and returned to Hannah who was still drowning in her own tears.

"Hannah, what happened?" I asked her.

"Jake broke up with me, "she sobbed.

"I can't believe he would do such a thing," Corbyn said in a girly tone. I shot him a deadly glare and he gulped.

"Aren't you suppose to be a best friend and not an annoying Corbyn right now?" I asked him.

"Dytto, I'm sorry ok, I'm just not used to the whole relationship thing," he explained.

"Then why speak?" I asked him.

He went dumb for a while and then spoke, "Good point," he said and left. I turned to Hannah who was still weeping.

"Look Hannah, Jake was and still is a jerk to leave you. He is and was not good enough for you. I mean look at him so dumb and look at you so beautiful," I tried my best to comfort her.

She stopped crying and straightened herself, "You know what, your probably right, he doesn't deserve me," she said and hugged me.

We sat there for a couple of minutes deciding what to do and finally decided to go shopping. Hannah sat there fixing her makeup while I got ready. I decided to wear my lazy outfit which had absolutely no effort and my black cap to keep down my messy hair.

"Seriously?" Hannah asked, "T-shirt and leggings?"

"Hey don't judge me," I pointed at her.

After arguing about my outfit choice, we finally headed downstairs.

"Where are you two going?" Brandon asked eyeing us.

"Chill dude, we're just going to the mall," Hannah answered him.

Corbyn looked up from his phone, "You guys want a ride?"

"That's if your car doesn't have junk in it," I said.

"Well excuse you but my car is the cleanest you'll ever ride in," he bragged,

"Corbyn yesterday you just took out a 22-week old box of pizza and you had peanut butter all over the rearview mirror," I pointed out.

"And your point is what exactly?" he asked competitively.

"I will hit you," I gracefully smiled at him.

"Bite me," Corbyn girlishly replied.

"Okay guys that's enough," Hannah butted in.

"You want the ride or not?" he asked.

"Fine," I answered him. "See you later Brandon my overprotective brother," I said to him.

"It's for your own good," he murmured as we left. We got into the car and drove off to the mall.


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