Chapter 32 - Password

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Andrew's secret place


Brandon's P.O.V.

Well, the entire house wasn't on the water, I was just being overdramatic. Courtney and I had a thing for being dramatic. We were the Drama King and Drama Queen of our own world. But she isn't here to help me rule that world, now half of that world is missing.

"Why isn't the water frozen and why do I not spot one peck of snowflake on this place?" Corbyn asked.

"Because Kristen installed some heat whatever in the bottom of the lake and also in the house that prevents the snow from hovering over the place blah blah blah..." Andrew said not seeming to care.

"Cool joint man," Corbyn says while scanning his eyes all over the place.

"It's not even mine," Dru groaned.

Kristen opened the door with a card and we entered the house. Inside was very elegant and weird because everything was made of wood. So just imagine I go to the bathroom and the toilet is raw wood, my butt doesn't want that.

"Let's go upstairs to the jacuzzi," Kristen squealed to Liza and they both ran upstairs leaving Dru, Corbyn, and I

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"Let's go upstairs to the jacuzzi," Kristen squealed to Liza and they both ran upstairs leaving Dru, Corbyn, and I.

"Girls," we all said in unison.

"Come on," Andrew said walking into a room and we followed behind him. The room was filled with electronics everywhere. It was like in movies. Andrew pulled out a chair and say down, placing his hands on the keyboard of one of his laptops, and started to type.

"Tell me exactly what happened that night," he said not taking his eyes off the electronic in front of him.

"I went out, got drunk for some reason, brought home, Liza, I humped her and woke up to her still-"

"I don't need all the details you know," Andrew sighed. "All I need to know is what happened the night you got drunk."

"I don't remember," I sat down on a chair I saw in a corner. "Are you interrogating me?"

"No, I just need some very important answered so I can find you the sister, but you don't seem to want that."

I got up from the chair and walked over to Andrew, "Don't you dare tell me what I want."

"Or what?" Dru asked standing up and facing me.

Corbyn noticed what was happening and came in between the two of us.

"Ok guys, Brandon, I know you're capable of breaking his skull in half but let's just focus on the situation please," Corbyn explained and I backed away.

"Is there anything you foun-" I cut Dru off by slamming down the same cloth with the tranquilizer in it "Good enough"

He got up, carefully handling the tranquilizer in the cloth, and placed it on a white desk which had some stuff that looked like things they use in detective shows and crime scenes. He then came back over to his laptop and sat down, pressing some keys and the entire room with electronics came on.

"I'm so clueless right now," Corbyn whispered into my ear.

"So which bank system do you want me to hack into and steal the money?" Dru spun around on his chair asking and Corbyn and I looked at each other and looked back at Dru. "I'm just kidding."

"We just need you to hack into the surveillance across the street from Brandon's house so that we can see what happened that night," Corbyn explained to Andrew.

Smart kid

He just doesn't want to show it

"Address?" Dru asked.

"Shouldn't you know that?" I asked him, he sighed and continued to type. Suddenly, footage of my house appeared on the screens of the electronics around me.

"Is that what's happening now?" I asked and he nodded. "What now?"

"I need to find out the password of the camera and go into the storage to find the video," he said still typing. "And my lucky guess of the password is..."

"Grandma's panties?" Corbyn asked and started to laugh.

"Yup," Dru said and Corbyn stopped laughing.

"How did you know that?" I asked him.

"It w-was just a lucky guess," he hesitated. "Knowing he's a perverted old man and his wife passed he is expected to use something to remember his wife."

"Why not use her name?" I asked again.

"As I said before, he's a perverted old man," Corbyn said.

"Got it!" Dru says.

"What now?" Corbyn asked.

"We search for the file and play the video," Andrew says.

I walked over to one of the huge screens and stood there waiting for the video to be played. Dru was scrolling through to find the date. Some of the files had topics.

"Naked women?" Corbyn asked looking at the screen.

"He's really a pervert," Dru said from behind us still scrolling through the files. "Found it!"

I focused my gaze on the screen and watched the cursor click on the file. The video started and I couldn't help but feel tears brimming in the corners of my eyes.


This was a sad chapter😕

It's short but I hope you enjoyed it though. Please vote, comment and share.

Love you!!❤❤

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