Chapter 24 - Untold truths

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Courtney's P.O.V.

The car ran out of gas right in front of Starbucks. I sat in the car contemplating the last bar of chocolate I had in my hands. If I go inside and tell them about me being kidnapped, I might get the boys in trouble and I don't want to. They say I'm being protected and yet I still can't believe them.

I was startled when there was a knock on the window. I looked up and saw that it was Louis. I sighed and opened the door, coming out of the car. I looked around and saw five motorcycles parked behind the car, and Harry was on one of them.

"Why does he look like he's gonna blow up any minute?" I asked Liam.

"Because he is," he answered.

"Wow!! He looks like a hairy tomato," I said admiring his hair.

Louis grabbed my arm and pulled me into the café beside Starbucks. We took a seat and Zayn, Niall and Liam came in after. They sat down and stared at me like a piece of meat they longed for.

"Why are you all staring at me?" I asked throwing my hands in the air.

"Let's see, you tricked me into going to bed, changed into this hot full black outfit, stole Harry's keys, and drove away screaming like an idiot," FD said. "Anything else you wanna know?"

"Yeah anyone else hungry?" I asked them and they all sighed. "I am starving."

"Don't you get it?" Zayn asked.

"Actually I do," I answered him.

"Finally!" Pampers says.

"I get that you're acting like a dick and acting like a dick won't get yours any bigger," I said frowning.

"Harry's mad," Zayn says.

"And you just figured that out?" I asked him. My mood swings are killing me right now. We heard the door open and we all turned around to see Harry coming in through the door. He came in and sat down saying nothing.

"Hairy tomato," I whispered under my breath.

"What the heck is your problem?" he asked me folding his arms and raising an eyebrow.

"How did you do that?" I asked the hairy tomato.

"What?" he asked in a cold voice.

"Raise one eyebrow?" I asked and attempted to do it. I failed miserably that I'm sure I looked like Flynn Rider from Tangled.

 I failed miserably that I'm sure I looked like Flynn Rider from Tangled

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"Courtney!!" he screamed at me.

"Yes," I answered battering my lashes.

"You're so hard to deal with," he said covering his face with his hands

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"You're so hard to deal with," he said covering his face with his hands.

"You kidnapped me," I mumbled gaining a look from the hairy tomato.

"Courtney can you please just listen?" he pleads.

"Yes," I answered.

"Really?" he asked looking up at me.

"No," I laughed. The guys laughed along and Harry shot them a glare which made them stop.

"I'm sorry Harry, I'm just so tired and sick of everything. I'm going to admit that I'm scared and frightened of everything around me. I was taken from the only people I have left in my life just because a Gang or whosoever is after me. I want to go home Harry...gang or not I'm dying to go home," I said with tears streaming down my face. "I want to finish living my life, I wanna spend the little time I have with the people I love the most, I want to go on tour, meet all the people who supported me, I wanna sign autographs and I want to what it is like to do something illegal for once or to even punch Corbyn in the face."

"Courtney I'm-," he tried to finish his sentence but I didn't let him.

"Growing up without a mother or a father, do you know what it's like?" I asked him but he didn't answer. "DO YOU KNOW!!?"

"No," he croaked out.

"It was hard to not have people around telling you they love you, or to read you bedtime stories, or if you think there's a monster under your bed trying to get you but there is no one to run to for help," I sobbed and rested my head on the table.

"It's hard for me as well..." Harry started. " not have your parents around from you were born. Even to grow up in an orphanage with kids who bully you for being weird and the people who run the orphanage saying you're a mistake and that's why your parents didn't want you in the first place. When you would curl up in a ball in a corner and cry your eyes out. It hurts Courtney, it hurts really bad."

I had nothing to say. With Harry admitting things he had never said to anyone before, was hard. He never grew up with a family, he was always lonely, being bullied and that does explain a lot about him. He was so narcissist, cynical, self-centered, ungenerous, inward-looking and any other horrible words you could think of.

"Courtney I don't want to hurt you when I know I'm already hurting myself more," he said not breaking eye contact. "If you can just listen to what I'm trying to say, please."

"Ok," was all I could think of at the moment. We left the café and I rode home on the back of Harry's bike, my hands tightly around him and my head laying on his back.

This can't get any better...


That song was my entire mood through writing this chapter.

Hope you guys vote and comment on this chapter.

Love you all ❤❤

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