Chapter 23 - Great Escape

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Courtney's P.O.V.

I was sitting on the couch with a warm fuzzy blanket around me and basically stuffing my face with chocolate when all five hot annoying human beings decided to bother me. I was watching Monster Family because I was very moody and wanted to go back to the baby stage.

Pampers got me a Teddy bear with a card saying that I should 'Follow your brain because your heart is stupid as poop.' I guess he didn't want to use the curse word because he knows that I would give him his funeral at the same minute.

"FD," I called at Niall who was watching the movie with me.

"Yes," he answered

"Can I ask you something?" I asked FD.

"You already did," he said laughing.

I ignored him and continued with my question, "What would you do if robbers broke into your house to steal your money?"

"I'd just laugh and search with them," he said laughing and I started to cry. Harry and the rest of the boys came running into the room.

"What did you do to her?" Liam asked and I cried even harder. To tell the truth, I really don't know why I'm crying. I'm just so emotional right now.

"I don't know!" Niall screamed.

"Courtney, why are you crying?" Harry asked.

"I hate all of you," I said wiping away my tears.

"Why though?" Louis asked.

"I don't know," I answered.

Zayn sighed and went back into the kitchen with Harry, Louis, and Liam. I continued watching the animated film with Niall. While watching the film I had thoughts about having my period.

-my vagina is falling off
-I'm going to die
-wow this is dumb
-there goes a pair of my cutest underwear
-I'm going to kill myself
-why wasn't I born a boy?

"If you saw me opening a pad what would you do?" I asked him.

"Suggest that you are angry and on your period," he shrugged.

"Unless you physically see me opening a pad, don't just assume that because I'm angry or I'm on my period, because that is just annoying, and tonight, when your sleeping, I will just assume that you're dead and bury you in the back yard," I said to him and he widens his eyes.

I hugged the teddy bear pampers got me and sobbed. I want to go home, wait a minute. I looked at Niall who was deeply into the movie.

"I'm going to bed," I said to FD and headed upstairs. I closed the door behind me and started to plan my great escape.

"What are you doing?"

"Planning my great escape"

"Why would you do that?"

"Let's see...cause my life depends on it"

"Not cool man"

"Can you help me now?"

"Finally!! I thought you'd never ask"


"So first you need to brush your teeth so that no one will run away from you thinking your Bigfoot"


"I said-"

"I heard you"

"Look, hurry up because I have a date tonight"


" speak."

"Where're Harry's keys?"

"In the basket, on the table beside the front door"

"Thank you, thank you, I love you so much"

"I love me too"

I changed into an all-black outfit because I do really wanna look good with my great escape. I mean like, my name all over the world, the hottest assassin of all time.

 I mean like, my name all over the world, the hottest assassin of all time

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Being a drama queen


I tiptoed downstairs and went towards the door, taking a look into the basket I found Harry's keys. I opened the door safely closed it behind me. As I walked to the car I did a happy dance.

"Well this was easy," I said to myself. I had the feeling of going back inside and scaring the life out of them. But I got a legend to make...

I entered the car and started the engine. Thanks to Brandon for teaching me how to drive; I was supposed to get my license this month so if cops stop me on the road...

"Run them over"


Harry's P.O.V.

I went into the living room to find only Niall.

"Where's Courtney?" I asked him.

"Bed," he mumbled.

I jogged upstairs and knocked on her door but there was no answer. I cracked the door open and peeped inside. She was not in there. The next thing I know, I heard my car revving outside. I ran back downstairs and opened the front door, going outside. And that's where I saw Courtney in my car.

"Bye sucker!!!" she screamed and drove off almost crashing into a tree. I ran back inside and called the guys.

"Courtney's gone," I said to them.

"Let's take the bikes," Zayn suggested. We went into the garage and hopped on the motorcycles.

"Here I come Courtney," I said and we all rode off


My bed is a magical palace where I remember everything I was supposed to do😂😂😂

Does anyone want to see the trailer I made for this story???

Comment if you want to see it


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