Chapter 20 - Period with Jokes

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Courtney's P.O.V.

I woke up in bed with a headache. I glanced at the clock above the door, it's 5:30 pm. I don't even remember what happened last night. I remember leaving this place going to a club with the guys and I also remember a drunk guy trying to eye rape me.

I got out of bed and headed to the bathroom. I stood there looking at my reflection for a long while.

"My breath smells like something died in there"

"I know right"

"Shut up"

"You know it's true"

I ignored that annoying voice in my head and turned on the tap, washing my face. I don't know what I had this morning but my stomach hurts really bad. I went into the shower and turned it on, making the warm water run against my delicate skin.

As I stood there enjoying the warm water, I looked down and saw blood running down my thighs.

"Someone's on their period"

I got out of the shower and wrapped myself up in a towel. I looked into the cupboard under the sink and noticed nothing but tissues, mouthwash, extra toothbrushes and toothpaste, etcetera.

I can't believe they have all these things but don't have stuff a girl needs when she needs it. Being a menstruating human is the worst thing.

Your sad for no reason
Mad for no reason
Get pissed at sounds
Eat everything
Feel sick and eat nothing
Whining at the pain
Your lower back feeling like it's trying to turn itself inside out
Hate yourself
Hate others
Currently have to be checking your butt in the mirror to make sure your pants aren't  stained

It's like the moment your period starts, if you're a girl, of course, you know your week is over. You can't even safely sneeze without fearing the worst. Imagine having the power to be invisible but you had to be naked cause clothing wouldn't vanish...imagine a tampon just floating down the street. I mean like of all things..why blood? Why couldn't it be fairy dust or something?

I ran out of the room and headed downstairs and went into the living room. I could really say I'm getting used to this place already but I still want my brother and my best friends. The boys were watching Stranger things.

"I need stuff," I said and they all looked at me.

"And that would be?" Harry asked.

"Girl stuff," I said to them.

"What kind of girl stuff?" FD asked playing with the remote.

"That's none of your damn business!!" I exclaimed.

"Then we can't help you," Liam said and they all went back to what they were doing.

"I'm on my period," I mumbled under my breath.

"Can't hear you," Zayn said.

"I'm on my period," I mumbled again.

"Still ca-," Niall was about to finish.

"I'M ON MY FREAKING PERIOD!!!" I screamed at them. They all looked at me and laughed like idiots, oh wait, they are idiots. "Why are you all laughing?"

"Woman on their period are just ovary acting," Pampers said laughing and the guys laughed along. I looked at Harry expecting him to do something about it. He noticed me looking at him and stopped laughing looking back on the television.

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