Chapter 7 - The truth about my Parents

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Picture of Niall


Brandon's P.O.V.

"It all started when you were 3 days old, you had just been brought home for the first time. It was midnight and we were all in the living room..."


"Mom is that my sister?" I asked.

"Yes, she is Brandon," mom replied kissing my new baby sister.

"What's her name?" I asked her.

" Her name is Courtney," she replied to my question.

We sat there for a while with my new baby sister Courtney when there was a knock on the door. My mom handed me Courtney and went to open the door. I peeped and I saw a tall strange man dressed in black from head to toe. She came into the living room looking frightened.

"Go upstairs quick and don't come down no matter what you hear," she says to the maid and planted a kiss on my new baby sister's head and hugged me tightly.
My mom was looking as scared as I was. We went upstairs into Mom and Dad's room.

Suddenly there was a loud boom in the house which sounded like a gunshot. I had tears streaming down my face while my baby sister was sleeping soundly on the maid's chest. We heard footsteps coming upstairs and stopped right at the door. She gave me Courtney to hold and told me to hide in the closet.

I went into the closet with Courtney still sleeping in my hand. She closed the closet door leaving us in complete darkness. I could hear the bedroom door open and someone walked in.

"Where are they?" the stranger asked in a very cold harsh tone.

"Please take me. Please don't hurt them," I could hear her crying.

I heard a click and then BOOM. I wondered what was going on out there. There was just pure silence. I opened the closet door and there I saw the maid on the ground, with blood everywhere. Still, with Courtney in my hand, I ran downstairs and saw my mom on the ground.

"M-mom," I called her.

She slowly opened her eyes and looked at me," Take care of your sister."

And that was it, her chest had stopped moving and her eyes were closed. I cried and held Courtney in my hand.

"I promise I'll take care of you, with everything I have I'll protect you with my soul," I placed a kiss on my baby sister's forehead.

And that was it.

End of Flashback

I looked up at Brandon when he was finished telling me the story. My strong fearless brother had tears in his eyes. I hugged him tightly as if I would never let him go as he wiped his nose.

"A...And t-that's it," he said facing me. "They were gone forever, but I still had you and we still have them in our hearts deep down."

I carried my hands to my cheeks and wiped the tears away. For 19 years my brother hid this from me. All this time I felt empty, not knowing the truth. Not knowing if I even had loving parents at all.

"What were their names?" I asked Brandon.

"Mom's name was Diane and Dad..." he paused looking down at the ground but continued,"...I never knew him."

"She didn't even mention his name once?" I asked him and he shook his head saying no. I smiled and hugged him feeling a little bit better. I never knew about my Dad but at least I heard what happened.

It was now just noon. Hannah and Corbyn came over and we continued our day watching horror movies. I wanted to tell them about my parents but I decided not to know the consequences that might come back on Brandon and me.


It was just after 8 and yet we were still watching horror movies. We were watching
'Ouija: Origin of Evil'.

Corbyn screamed for almost the entire movie. No lies but heck yeah it was frightening. We finished watching the movie and both my best friends left. I hugged Brandon goodnight and went to my room. I didn't shower this morning so I might as well shower now I thought to myself.

I stripped and went into the shower. The water was warm and felt so good against my skin. I got out of the shower and put on my super soft robe. I went back into my bedroom and saw that my window was open.

I closed it and then I heard someone knock on the door from downstairs. I mean like who comes and knock on peoples door at this time of night. Batman?
I went downstairs and opened the door to find the same person I bumped into at the mall.

"Sorry I have to do this," he said.

"Wha-," I was cut off feeling a sting in my neck. I tried to fight it but then darkness fell upon me.


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