Chapter 12 - She's not blonde

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That's cutie Liza up there


Brandon's P.O.V.

I went upstairs and saw my bed empty. I ran over to the side table and grabbed my phone. With Courtney's phone in the other hand I searched for Corbyn's number. I can't believe I'm calling him but I have no choice.

I want my sister.

Scratch that.

I need my sister

I dialed his number and the receiver began, "Hello."

"Oh thank god you picked u-"

"Ahhhh I got you!! If I didn't pick up and your still here and not looking for me to kill me right now... I'm either at McDonald's or Starbucks," his voice mail said and then the line went dead.

"I'm gonna kill tha-" I was cut off by a pair of hands around my waist. I turned around and saw the blonde sitting on my bed on her knees. Dang, she's cute.

Wait hold on. Her hair was no longer was now long, curly dark brown and her eyes were brown. I believe her name is Liza...I think. I don't remember.

"Is something wrong?" she asked pouting.

Before I could answer Courtney's phone rang. I picked it up and saw that it was Corbyn.

"Corbyn?" I said into the phone

"Gosh, Courtney you sound like a man. Anyways I saw that your brother...your brother scares the fart out of me man," Corbyn admits.

"Good to know Corbyn," I replied.

"Oh no," I hear him, and then........he hung up. I can't believe him right now. I then knocked out of my thoughts and looked at the girl in my bed who was still staring at me. Wow, she was gorgeous.

I walked out of the room heading downstairs. I was about to reach for the front door when I felt a sharp pain in my ear.

It was Liza.

"Oh your not going anywhere," she said throwing me on the couch. "I can't believe you!! I fall in love with you, had sex with you last night, and now your about to leave me!! Oh, you piece of rotten banana!! And that why I don't like boys cause I really prefer the dollar store over them! You can anything at the dollar store for a dollar and it won't run away," she stood there screaming at me.

I got up and she pushed me back on the sofa, "And where do you think your goi-?" Before she could finish I got up and kissed her, pushing her against the wall.

I got up and she pushed me back on the sofa, "And where do you think your goi-?" Before she could finish I got up and kissed her, pushing her against the wall

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She kissed me back and pulled away. "I'll be back," I whispered in her ear and left her.


I drove up to Starbucks and entered. I saw a dick head ordering and I took a lucky guess... It's Corbyn. I walked up to him and leaned over on the counter.

"If you want my number just ask fo-" he turned to face me widened his eyes. I grabbed him by his shoulder and walked over to a seat. I sat him down and then plopped down myself.

"We need to talk," I spoke

"Look if you're talking about the 20 dollars I stole from your room...I'm so sorry," he mid laughs taking a sip of his drink.

"You stole my- never mind," I mumbled. "Courtney is missing," I say, and then all of a sudden he spits out all his ice coffee on me.

"COURTNEY'S WHAT??!!" he shouts not caring about his mess. "Oh sorry," he says handing me a tissue.

"Let's go for a drive"

"What about my donuts?" he whines

"Get your butt in the car now!" he jumps at my words and we left.


Hi, my squad !!!

Thanks for the support and I love you guys so much!!❤❤

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