Chapter 28 - We knocked him out

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After cutting Harry's hair


Harry's P.O.V.

I remember falling asleep last night on the couch and somehow I woke up in my room. I got up and went to the bathroom, rubbing my face feeling heavy. I walked past the full-length mirror and stopped. I looked in the mirror and noticed something different.

"What the-"

Courtney's P.O.V.

I was laying in bed when I heard Harry scream out a curse word. I want to get out of bed and go look at his reaction, but knowing Harry...I prefer to stay in bed.

"Courtney!!" I heard him. "Courtney!!"

I could tell he was coming closer so I hid in the closet. Just as I went into the closet he barged into the room. He went over to my bed and threw away the sheets along with the pillows. He looked under the bed and went into the bathroom. This was my one chance of getting away. I quickly ran out of the room and headed to Liam's room, knocking on the door. The door opened and I saw a half-naked Pampers standing in front of me.

"You had abs?" I mid-laughed. "Pampers had abs!!" I was now laughing beyond laughter.

"I hear you, Courtney!!" I heard Harry scream from out of my bedroom.

Liam pulled me in and locked the door behind him. He paced back and forth in the room with both hands on his head.

"This was a bad idea," he paced and started to sweat.

"You look like a seagull," I laughed at him and same time Harry kicked the door down and boomed into the room.

Oh no

He came over to me pushing Pampers out of the way, "What. Did. You. Do. To. Me?"

"A haircut perhaps," I shrugged giving him small smile, and ran out of the room. He ran after me screaming out my name. I saw Zayn on the sofa and pulled him to stand up so I could hide behind him, thinking that Harry wouldn't get through.

Harry came into the living room and pushed Zayn out of the way.

Not even the Great Wall of China could hold this boy out

Louis came into the living room and jump on Harry's back but Harry threw him off and he landed on the ground. Niall attacked Harry by hitting him with a wooden chair that came out of nowhere. The chair broke into pieces leaving Harry still standing.

Harry turned around looking at FD and punched him in the face. Harry turned to look at me, breathing hard, and started to come closer. Before he could reach any further he fell to the ground unconscious. I looked up from the unconscious Harry with a tranquilizer in his neck and saw Liam standing there.

"I warned you Courtney but you didn't listen," he stated.

"You helped didn't you?" I asked d him with my hands on my hips.

"Yeah...well...umm...." he stuttered.

"Exactly," I stated.

"That's not the point Courtney," Pampers said.

"My nose hurts," Niall said rubbing his nose.

"Why would you hit Harry with a chair knowing he's like Titanic?" Zayn asked hitting Niall in the back of his head.

"My point exactly," Louis said hitting Niall as well.

"What is with everyone and hitting me?" FD asked rubbing both his nose and the back of his head.

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