Chapter 21 - Mandy

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Mandy up there


Brandon's P.O.V.

After leaving Courtney alone which caused her to get kidnapped and now I'm going to put Liza and Corbyn through this. Not that I care about Corbyn...ok I do. He's just a 19-year old that acts like a kindergarten. But Liza, I can't lose someone else in my life.

I really don't know why Liza would want to stay with me. I'm a very bad person and I don't want to break someone's heart.

Right now I was packing my bags to go to Georgia. Liza and Corbyn weren't here so I was all alone in this house. There were a lot of questions roaming through my head like...why my sister was kidnapped and who kidnapped her?

Wait...what happened to Hannah?

I picked up my phone and dialed Corbyn's number. I hope he picks up this time because he always chooses to ignore me when somethings important.

"Yallo?" he said sounding weird.

"Corbyn what are you doing?" I sighed knowing that he was doing something he really didn't want to tell me.

"Um....nothing," he said laughing. I could see him in my head grinning.

"Corbyn our flight leaves tonight," I said to him zipping up my suitcase.

"Corbyn!!!!" I could hear his mom calling him.

"Mom I'm not going to your stupid lawnmower convention!" he screamed. "I told you I'm going out with a few friends!"

"Fine, you can go!! But if you come back here without a girlfriend I'm going to rip your eyeballs out!!"

"Mom!! he screams feeling embarrassed.

"Corbyn," I groaned into the phone.

"Oh hey there Brandy," he says. I could hear him running and panting.

"Where are you?" I asked him

"At your front door," he grinned and I hung the phone up, this kid is something else.

I went downstairs and opened the door to find Corbyn grinning at him said. He stood there with his suitcase and behind him coming was a beautiful ray of sunshine...Liza.

"Earth to Brandon," Corbyn said waving his hands in front of me. "What the heck is with you and zooming out?"

He pushed past me and went into the house. Liza passed me and smiled saying nothing. I followed behind her closing the door behind me. I went back upstairs to get my suitcase. I could hear Corbyn singing I'm a single lady from in the kitchen.

I took up the suitcase and headed downstairs. On the way to the kitchen, the doorbell rang. I put the suitcase down by the stairs and opened the door to see Mandy. Yup, you guessed it, Mandy is one of the girls I slept with.

"I want you back," she says looking at me.

"No," I said slamming the door shut in her face. I went into the kitchen and saw Liza packing out some sandwiches. Each time Liza turned her back Corbyn would take up pieces of the ingredients and eat them.

"Corbyn where's Hannah?" I asked him.

"Oh, she's with her grandma in San Francisco." He replied stuffing more items in his mouth.

Ding Dong

The doorbell rang and I knew exactly who it was...Mandy.

"I'll get it," Liza said leaving the kitchen.

"Liza don't open the door," I said running after her but it was too late. Mandy barged in past Liza and came up to me.

"I want you back," she screamed at me with her hands on her hips.

"Excuse you!" Liza said jumping in front of me facing Mandy.

"Drama here I come!" Corbyn screamed running towards us.

"He's mine," Mandy said pointing at me. "And I'm going to get him."

"Let's see you try," Liza said pushing Mandy.

"Let the fight begin," Corbyn said.

Liza didn't hesitate but only punched Mandy in her face making her fall to the ground unconscious. Liza looked at me and frowned.

"I will let explain," I said to her. "We have a flight to catch."

She nodded and we left. Corbyn suggested that we shouldn't leave Mandy like that on the ground so we carried her in the trunk and dropped her off at her home.


Bad Girl Liza. This chapter is kinda short and I'm sorry. I was just so busy today and right now I'm going to head out.

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