Chapter 22 - Middle Name

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Brandon's P.O.V.

I was the one driving to the airport so therefore I wasn't able to turn around and kill a little annoying human being called Corbyn Besson. He sat in the back seat yelling out the window at every restaurant he sees.

"Truluck's Restaurant," he screams.

"Corbyn," I groaned. Instead of Liza helping me she only laughs and I guess that my punishment.

"Versailles!!," he screams again.

"Corbyn," I was getting really annoyed now.

"The Capital Grille!!" he screams louder than ever.

"Corbyn Elizabeth Besson!!" I screamed at him not taking my eyes off the road.

"Elizabeth?" Corbyn asked. "My middle name is Matthew, for your information."

"Elizabeth," I coughed out.

"It's not Elizabeth!!" he hissed at me.

"My name is Elizabeth though," Liza said staring at me and I smiled. "Not because I talked to you doesn't mean I'm going to keep talking to you."

"I'm sorry," I said to her. "And your middle name is Elizabeth?"

"Nope," she says popping the P. "That's my first name."

"I'm confused," Corbyn says out of nowhere.

"My full name is Elizabeth Shaila Koshy, but because I didn't want my name to be so long when I joined youtube, I used the four letters after the 'E' in my first name," she explains.

"Oh," Corbyn and I say in unison.

"What's your middle name, Brandon?" Corbyn asked looking directly at me.

"Ace," I mumbled under my breath. I wasn't embarrassed, it was just that I've never said my middle name out to anyone before, other than Courtney.

"What do you want me to ace at?" Corbyn asked cluelessly.

"Corbyn my middle name is Ace," I repeat again for his sake.

"Brandon Ace Kelly," Corbyn said rubbing his hands together. "Not bad."

"Corbyn were you born in Miami?" Liza asked him. Liza was the only one that could control Corbyn. Not even his own best friends could.

"Texas," he answers her. "Then we moved to Nothern Virginia and now I'm in Miami with my Mom who keeps pissing me off every time."

"Why'd you guys move to Miami?" she asked him.

"Because my Mom found out that my Dad was cheating on him with another woman who was 6 years younger than her," he frowned.

"I'm sorry to hear," Liza said.

"It's ok," Corbyn said holding his nose.

"I'm so sorry Elizabeth," I mid-laughed.

Corbyn growled at me like a dog, "It's ok, he was a doochbag anyway."

He then continued to scream random restaurants we passed out the window, which scared a lot of people. I was surprised when Liza joined him, but instead, she was screaming at people who we passed saying 'I have a dick.'

I continued driving to the airport with annoying, deranged people in my car.


We had reached the airport just in time to catch the 6:30 pm flight. We went in and got on the plane. Liza was the one who insisted we got the VIP so we did.

"Dang," Corbyn said as we entered the VIP section. "I could get used to this." He ran over to the couch in the middle and plopped himself down, putting his feet up on the middle table.

" He ran over to the couch in the middle and plopped himself down, putting his feet up on the middle table

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"Corbyn remove your feet from off the table," I scold him.

"I didn't know my mom came along," he said taking down his feet.

We were the only three people in there. I took my seat with Liza beside me and I told her about Mandy and all the other girls I slept with. She started to hit me every time I mentioned having sex and then other words 'hump and dump.'

"Your mine now," she says resting her head on my chest.

"Have you guys tried the avocado?" Corbyn asked stuffing his face with food.

"Corbyn just know that your paying for food," I said to him admiring the sleeping beauty on my chest.

"No no no no no," Corbyn started to say running over to me. "Come on you know I'm broke already."

"I'm just kidding," I said laughing.

"Meh," he shrugged and went back to what he was doing before.

I'm coming for you Courtney.


And that's it for this chapter!!! I literally just woke up and began to type thinking about you all.

Am I the only one that loves Corbyn??

*laughs and chokes on saliva nearly dying and starts to sing alive by Sia*

I can be a Drama Queen sometimes...


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