Chapter 10 - Trying to escape

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Courtney's P.O.V.

I started to look all over the room for a way out. I noticed the bed had drawers on it and open it.

"Curiosity killed the cat", that annoying voice in the back of my head said.

"Well, I ain't no damn animal!! I'm a human being who just got kidnapped and is trying to find her way out before she gets killed or raped and then buried 10 feet undergro -," I was cut off by laughter.

I turned around to see Niall standing at the door," What are you doing here? Don't you know how to knock on a door? Let me help use your hands!"

"I'm here because Harry told me to check up on you," he stated looking around the room.

"What are you searching for?" I asked him.

"I'm just surprised you haven't broken anything yet," Niall said still looking around the room and inviting himself in.

"I'm going to break something more vulnerable if you don't get out! NOW!!... Oh, wait your face is already broken. Were you born like that?" I shouted at him.

He looked at me with fury and stormed out of the room. Well, there goes my plan for bribing him to escape. I looked at the clock that was on the wall beside the closet.

"It's just 9 o'clock Courtney," I mumbled to myself.

"Did he lock the door?" that voice in the back of my head ask.

"I don't know. Why don't you get the crap out of my head and go find out yourself," I said sarcastically.

I sighed and walked over to the door. "He's not that stupid to-" the door opened to disbelief. I poked my head outside and pulled it back in. "I'm starting to like you, annoying voice in my head."

I then opened back the door and tiptoed out. I could hear voices in the kitchen while I was going down the stairs.



Almost there

One more step Courtney

Just one mor- SQUEEK !!!!!

The stupid stairs made noise. " You stupid son of a-," I stopped talking because all eyes were on me. Zayn, Liam, Louis, and Harry were sitting on the couch. If they're in here then who's mouth did I hear in the kitch-

"Hey guys I found some popcor-," Niall began to and speak but then stopped and looked at me.

"Hi...ummm...I was...just looking for a bathroom," I started to hesitate. I looked at them one by one until my eyes met some green ones. Those green eyes were filled with fury.

You see I'm not an idiot but sometimes you gotta go when you gotta go. I turned quickly on my heels and sprinted for the door. I reached for the handle and turned it, to my surprise it opened. I ran out outside in the rain. Hey rain, long time no see. You see I'm trying to escape here and I can't see anything so can you please me useful and help me out here.

Instead of the rain stopping it only came down harder making it even hard to see
"Thanks a lot!" I screamed looking up in the dark drooping sky.

I heard footsteps behind me and turned around so quickly that my forehead hit a very hard tree. Wait a minute, that was not a tree. I looked up to see Harry standing there in the soaking rain.

I bent down and took me up throwing me over his shoulders like a wet sack of Oreo's. And yes I said Oreo's. I mean who doesn't like Oreo's. Sorry girls but Oreo's are taken, they are mine. Yeah, you guessed it.....I'm single. But who doesn't love food?

I was suddenly snapped out of my thoughts my being thrown in a chair. "What was that for?"

"For trying to escape," Harry said looking at me from head to toe.

I forgot that I was still wearing the silky robe I got kidnapped in and now it was wet sucking on tightly on my body. I'm surprised I have a little curve in the right places, yet there are over a billion people in this world and I'm still single.

I snapped out of my thoughts and saw Harry still staring at me. I quickly grabbed a pillow from off the couch and covered myself with it.

"What are you doing?" Harry asked folding his arm in front of him.

"Your eyes were roaming in such places so.......," he looked at me waiting for an answer "...I'm hiding you dumbo."

"Why did you try to escape?", Harry asked me.

What the Fudge balls is wrong with him? "Isn't it obvious?"

He walked up to me and bent down to my level. I could feel his warm breath on my ear," Never. Talk. To. Me. Like. That. Understand?"

I didn't trust myself to answer him because I knew my funeral would have come next. I mean like I wasn't ready to die yet. I haven't reached 12 million subs on my YouTube channel, I'm single and I don't wanna die single, I'm still a virgin and I haven't kissed Justin Bieber yet. Wait what?

Harry was still standing in front of me, "I'm naked," I said out of nowhere.

"Why are you telling me tha-," before he could finish I ran from him and sprinted upstairs, not even flask would be able to catch me, what I mean is I ran like my life depended on it.....because it did. I headed straight to the room that Liam guy brought me to. I closed the door behind me and ran over to the closet.

Dang, it had everything a girl needs. Tank tops, crop tops, leggings, pants, and of course...OVERSIZED HOODIES!!! I grabbed the oversized hoodie and started to look for undergarments. Luckily I found some in a drawer.

The room had its own shower and so God I was happy for that. I went into the bathroom and-,"Holy mother of Oreo's!". It was exquisite.

"You could take a bath forever," my conscience whispers

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"You could take a bath forever," my conscience whispers.

"I know right"

I turned on the tap over the bath and let the water ran. With that, I stripped out of my wet robe and stepped into the bathtub sitting down and let my thoughts consume me.


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