Chapter 15 - Tears

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Brandon's Car 😋😋


Corbyn's P.O.V.

We had left Starbucks and I was now in Brandon's car. It was a white Lamborghini Gallardo.


He said Courtney was kidnapped but I still don't believe him. Courtney? Kidnapped? *scoffs*.

"You aren't taking me to the woods to kill me, right," I asked Brandon.

"Since you mentioned it, I sure wouldn't mind doing it," he said with a straight face.

"Are you sure Courtney was kidnapped?" I asked him eagerly willing to know.

"Yes," he hissed at me. He reached into his pocket, not taking his eyes off of the road, and pulled out something wrapped up in a handkerchief and handed it to me.

It was a tranquilizer and on the handkerchief was a stain of blood.

"Cool," I said and then Brandon shot me a glare.

"Not cool," I blurted out. Brandon's eyes left me and focused back on the road.

"Do you not care?" he asked.

"Of course I care. I mean Courtney is my best friend, otherwise from Hannah, I just...just can't believe something like this would happen," I say to him.

But it was the truth. I knew Courtney from I was months old. When she came over to my house and I called my parents 'mom and dad' she would start to cry saying she didn't have a Mom and Dad. And that's where Hannah moved into town a few blocks away from. Her mom was always on a tight schedule and so she would ask my parents to babysit her. And that's where we became best friends.

"What are we going to do," I asked.

"I don't know," his voice was breaking up.

"Are you crying?" I asked him. He looks at me and then bursts into tears. "It's all my fault. If I was there none of this would have happened," he said wiping away his tears. "I promised my mother that I would protect her no matter what...and that's what I plan to do."

Well, that was emotional

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Well, that was emotional. I have never seen Brandon like this before. I mean he was always strong and uptight but when it comes to Courtney...he's different.

"I know a guy that can hack into the street cameras," I suggested.

"Street cameras?" he asked not taking his eyes off the road.

I nodded although he couldn't see me, " That old man next door to your house installed camera's around the entire neighborhood just because he thought I was the one throwing used tampons on his windows," I said.

Brandon looked at me," Eyes on the road buddy. And plus I didn't do it. Why would I use tampons when I could use dog poop instead," I said laughing.

Brandon laughed. I'm glad I could cheer him up a bit.

"Where does this guy live?" he asked me sniffing his shirt that I spilled my shake on.

"Umm...that's gets a little...complicated," I admit.

"Corbyn!!" he hissed holding on to the steering wheel tight.

What is with this boy and hissing? Is he a snake or something? Where are his scales?

"He's in Georgia."

Brandon stepped on the brakes which made us move forward. I hit my head on the window next to me. "What the - ."

"Georgia??!!" he widened his eyes at me.

"No my bedroom...of course Georgia," I said holding my head. "Look do you want to find Courtney or what?."

"Of course I what to find Courtney," he said looking like the soggy French fries I had yesterday for lunch.


"Then we're going."

"Fine," he sighed. "For my baby sister."

"Who else would we do it for?" I asked.

He shrugged, " And Corbyn...if you ever tell anyone that I cried like a baby... I will break every bone and limb in you like a piece of stick."

I gulped," Georgia...Here we come!!!!!!

"I'm serious...," he continued

"I'm trying to end a chapter here," he finally stayed silent. " we come!!!


And that's it!!

Who loves Corbyn??❤❤



Thanks for supporting me my beauties.

Hey, can someone figure out a ship name for us??


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