Chapter 16 - Clock

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Courtney's P.O.V.

My head feels like 10 bags of cement or like someone's using my head like a drum. Thought I was gonna wake up and find Niall banging on my head? Guess again? I don't even remember what happened this morning after I ate those Brownies. I don't even remember going to bed.

Laying on my back with my eyes closed, I placed my hand on the side table feeling for my phone. Oh, wait! I was kidnapped, I don't have a damn phone!!

"Wait there's a clock in the hallway"

"Do I have to get up"

"Yes you have to Courtney"

"No I don't and how did you know there was a clock there"

"I know everything"

"And since you know everything you should know when to shut the hell up"

I got up and held the pillow in my hands," Hello pillow." I smiled at the pillow, held it to my face, and screamed. Why can't I just die already? I remember Harry saying something about me...wanting to be killed...blah blah blah. Not saying I don't believe him but... I really don't believe him.

I haven't done anything to anyone for them wanting to kill me except for throwing those dirty tampons on that Old man's house next door. I swear it was all Hannah's idea. Just because she was with a boy called Ryan and he dumped her for a model.

Hannah has a great body and could be a model so I don't see why he would dump her. I tried to get Hannah to start modeling but she kept declining.

I got up out of the bed and walked towards the door. I was about to open the door when I stopped and glanced at the object above the door. It was a clock.

"What the biscuits," I said hitting the door.


"Why would you tell me to get up when you knew there was a clock in here"

"Cause I'm evil and wanted you to get up"

"Oh, you little-"

There was a knock at the door. I opened it to find Zayn. "What do you want?"

"Harry told me to check up on you," he said smiling. Cute.

"Do you guys have to do everything he tells you to do?" I asked him.

"Well...he is the leader," I hear him.

"Leader?" I asked looking confused.

He sighs, "Harry will explain everything to you when your ready," I nod and he continues. "Oh and get ready because we're going out."


"Shut up"

"What?" Zayn asked looking confused. "Nothing," I said slamming the door shut in his face. I know that was harsh but...


"I wanna go back to bed"

"Go get ready"


I walked over to the closet, opened it, and scratched my head. "What to wear?"

"How about that pink dress"


"The blue one"

"That's a gown...where am I going in a dress below my knees?"


"Perfect," I said taking out an outfit.

"He's gonna kill for you in that"

"Shut up"

"She blushing"

I placed my outfit on the bed and headed to the bathroom. I decided to take a shower instead of a bath. I stripped and enter the shower. Expecting hot water to run over my body instead cold icy water hit my back and I flinched trying to run away from the water.

After the shower, I got ready not bothering to fix my hair because I'm that lazy.

After the shower, I got ready not bothering to fix my hair because I'm that lazy

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I headed out of the room and downstairs to find the boys at the end of the stairs. First I thought there was a huge rat behind me that they were looking at but then they were really looking at me.

"What?" I couldn't help but ask.

"N-no-nothing," Harry stuttered.

I finished my last few steps down the stairs and headed out the door not bothering to run away because I had nowhere to run to except a bunch of trees that look really scary.

I was about to enter the car when I forgot something...the clock, "Wait. I forgot something." Harry nodded and ran back into the house going upstairs into my room. I closed the door behind me and looked up at the clock.

"12:05 pm," I whispered to myself.



I ran back downstairs and saw Harry waiting at the front door. I passed him because I wanted him the shut the front door because I didn't want to. Hehe...I'm evil.

We entered the car and drove off.


I still need a ship name for me and you guys!!❤❤

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