Chapter 13 - Pancakes

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Courtney ma girl 😋😋

Courtney's P.O.V.

If your reading this then I'm in deep sleep. In a house with five hot ninja turtles and of course, I mean those five hot models downstairs that are probably planning to kill me but...nahhhh, who cares?

"I do"

"I don't"

"We both know you like Harry"

"And we both know I can shut you up when I'm ready"

"Suck a dick, Courtney"

"I can't suck you voice"

"That's mean"

"And your single"

I know your thinking that I'm crazy but I like crazy. I can't remember if I fell asleep last night in the tub or in bed but I liked it. With the warm water against my skin and imagining the world made of chocolate...that's a girl's dream...and if you don't like chocolate then that's my dream.

Remembering last night with Harry sent a shiver down my spine. His green eyes, bright smile, and those dimples. Gosh, I love dimples.

I don't wanna wake up

I really don't wanna wake up


"Wake up!!" someone said pulling the curtains open.

"HOLY OREO'S!!" I screamed falling off the bed. Who the heck thinks they can just walk in my room and ruin my perfect dream of me killing Corbyn. I love Corbyn but sometimes he behaves like an ass.

I got up from off the floor and saw Liam, "What do you want pampers?"

"Pampers?" he asked raising his eyebrows.

"Yeah you remind me of a Pampers... self-absorbed and full of shi-" I was about to finish my sentence when Niall barged in the room.

"Who wants pancake?" he asked, he was only in his boxers.

"You're worse than my brother," I exclaimed covering my nose.

"Oh really?" he asked smirking. Why is he smirking? Why does he have a mischievous simile on his face? Oh no...

"Smell this," Niall said farting and he ran out the door.

"I think he wants his funeral," I said covering my nose with my hands. "Just come down for breakfast," he sighed and walked away.

I walked over to the closet and picked out something to wear.

I walked over to the full-length mirror and smiled at myself, "I'm getting used to this place," I jogged out of the room and headed down the stairs

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I walked over to the full-length mirror and smiled at myself, "I'm getting used to this place," I jogged out of the room and headed down the stairs. The scent of burnt pancakes filled the air.



I ran into the kitchen and saw the pancakes on the stove which was on fire. I ran over to the stove, took up an oven mitten, and started to pat the fire away.

"Oh thank God," I sighed with both hands on my head. Who the heck would start to make pancakes and then leave it to burn. There's only one explanation for this... Niall!!!

I ran out of the kitchen and ran up the stairs. I ran like Flash and opened the first door I saw. There was nothing in the room so I kept searching in the other rooms.

First room - Nothing
Second room - A gym


Third room - Harry kissing a brunette

Fourth room - nothing

Hold up!!

I walked back to the third room and opened the door. Harry was shirtless and was kissing the topless brunette who was over him like a wet towel. They didn't seem to notice me.

I left the room and slammed the door behind me. I think they heard that but I don't give a damn.

I went back downstairs into the kitchen and saw a blonde head guy standing in front of the fridge.

I knew it was Niall

What is with men and the fridge?

First, it was Corbyn and now him.

I grabbed the first thing I saw, a butter knife.

"Niall step away from the fridge with your hands in the air," I said pointing the butter knife at him.

Niall turned away from the fridge and widen his eyes at me.

"Whoa...Whoa...Whoa...Courtney put the knife down," he stuttered.

"Shut up Niall," I mumbled at him.

"I know your that crazy but...please," he begged me. "What did I do?"

"You burnt the pancakes," I whispered under my breath.



He didn't answer so I walked closer to him with the knife in my hand. Harry, Liam, Louis, and Zayn came running into the room.

"What the -" Harry was about to finish his sentence when I shot him a deadly stare.

"Language butt head," I said to him.

"When last since did you care about my language?" he asked staring at me.

I turned to him and he backed away noticing the butter knife in my hand. "Since you kissed a Brunette."


Hey gorgeous people❤❤

Gosh, I love you guys so much...

Today was rough but I managed to update. I wrote this chapter at school today cause I had a free period. My friends commented me saying I'm good cause I just sit and type everything out of my head.

If they're reading this...THANKS!!

I hope you comment and vote


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