Chapter 17 - Steal her man

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Song for this awesome chapter :

● Steal her man by Taylor Girlz 

I love this song❤❤
Play the song when Courtney said her blood was boiling up.

Enjoy reading this chapter!!


Courtney's P.O.V.

I really don't feel like I was kidnapped. I mean what happened to bring locked up in a dark room and being tortured. I felt like a Queen...sorry...just being a Drama queen. I sat in the middle of Zayn and Liam. And beside Liam was Niall. Louis was the driver and Harry sat across from him.

Harry kept looking at me through the rear view mirror. I caught him for the fourth time and waved. He rolled his eyes and looked out the window.

He did not just roll his eyes at me.

That's sassy

I mean...hehe

I glanced at Niall and he looked back at me winking. "Niall you need a girlfriend," I suggested to him.

"I know," he replied. "I need a girl who's...funny, smart, understanding, loving, has curves in the right places like a super hot model."


"I have a suggest-," I was about to finish my sentence when Harry turned on the radio and it began to play.

"I don't wanna know, know, know, know..."

I ignored him,"Wow Niall that's-," I was cut off by Harry coughing and I knew he did that on purpose. "Don't you care?"He looked at me then changed the song.

"I don't f--- with you!!! You little stupid a-- b----, I ain't f------ with you!!"

I gasped at those words and smacked him in the head until he changed the song.

"Baby I'm sorry!!!... I'm not sorry...Baby, I'm sorry!!... I'm not sorry...being so bad got me feeling so good...."

"Harry stop doing that!!" I screamed at him.

"Stop doing what?" he asked.

"Jumping on me with those songs," I made my point.

"You'll be the one jumping on me soon," he smirked and the guys laughed.

"I don't get it," I admitted. "Why would I be-," I stopped. "You pervert!!," I yelled at him.

"So Courtney you're a Youtuber?" Liam asked.

"Yes pampers. You guys kidnapped me so shouldn't you know?" I asked raising my eyebrows.

"Pampers?" Zayn asked looking lost.

"That's Liam's new nickname," I said laughing and they laughed with me.

"What's my nickname?" Niall asked.

"Umm...I'm gonna call you...FD," I said smiling at him.

"What's that?" FD asked.

"Farting dummy," I said laughing. Harry burst out into laughter. FD scoffs and started to nag Liam.

"Are we there yet?" I asked getting impatient.

"As a matter of fact...we are," Louis said.

I looked up and saw that it was a club. Outside were some boys and girls sucking off each other's faces. I could hear the music booming from inside. We came out of the car and went towards the entrance.

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