Chapter 40 - Officially a Couple

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"Come on," I said to Hannah and we both went up the stairs and through the door. It was a dark hallway with medical doors on the sides. At the end of the hall, there was a door marked Emergency Exit.

As I took a step forward someone pulled me from behind. I turned around looking up and saw the person who I was least expecting.


Harry's P.O.V.

There was dust and cobwebs in every corner of the burnt building. The atmosphere around us carried a foul scent with a clash of burnt paper everywhere, which felt like it was clogging my throat. The walls were all stripped off of their colour and the ceiling looked like it was about to collapse in no time.

Our footsteps echoed throughout the empty building. The lights hanging down from the ceiling, and they flickered, which illuminated the pathway just enough to see. The bank teller stations were being burnt and crumbled into small pieces.

"This place screams help me," Niall babbled.

"Just like your face," Erica jester.

"Harry your sister is being mean to me," Niall says.

"Wow, I'm amused to hear that," I sarcastically said and with curiosity walked over behind the stations, as Erica and Niall trailed behind me arguing.

"I will press charges," he says like a naive child.

"Shock me and say something intelligent," Erica rolled her eyes.

As the two idiots argued behind me, I stared at a door behind one of the stations far over to the right. I took small steps over to the door and looked on the door to see nail scratches and a piece of human nail covered in pink paint in the ashes on the ground.


"We going in or what?" Niall asked, pacing back and forth.

I looked at him and then at Erica, who was picking at her nails furiously. I ignored her lack of care and continued to stare at the door. I pushed opened the door and there lay a flight of staircase leading down to whatever it would take us to.

At the bottom, all I could see were tiles. The staircase was perfect and made of modern wood. The tiles were sparkling white from where we stood, it was just cleaned.

"You're taking too damn long," Erica complains and barges past Niall and me, heading down the stairs.

"I hate her," Niall whispers to me.

"Me too," I reply and take my steps down the stairs.

"Holy crap," Erica gasped.

"What is this place?" Niall asked coming from behind.

"A hospital?"

Liam's P.O.V.

Just a moment ago we were walking through a burnt bank and now we were in what looked like a hospital.

"Where the hell are we?" Lea asked.

"What does it look like Lea?" I asked her.

"I think it's one of those underground asylums where they keep people like my mom and my brother," she looks at me and smiles.


"Why would a bank have an asylum underground?" I asked her.

"For people like my mom," she answers.

"Yeah, but why the f-"

"You ask too many questions," she puts her index finger on my lips and stared deeply into my eyes.

"I love your eyes," she cooed.


From behind, in a distance, I could hear footsteps. I pulled Lea by the hand and myself in a nearby door on the left. She kept giggling like a small toddler and I just wanted to restrain her. It was a very tight space, we were just a few inches apart. From inside we could hear the footsteps of someone, which stopped right at the door.

I looked at Lea, who was scrunching up her nose repeatedly. First thing that came to mind was her sneezing. Well, we were in a clogged up closet with a lot of weird dusty clothing and cobwebs everywhere, wouldn't wrong her.

I quickly covered her nose and mouth with the palms of my hands.

"What are you doing?" she struggled to say behind my coverage.

"Obviously covering your face," I stated.


"Because your hideous and your face scares me," I remarked as the colour in her cheeks faded. "Do you practise being this ugly?"

Lea gave me a very cranky look and started to breathe hard. Her face was getting red as a tomato, which reminds me of Courtney calling Harry a hairy tomato.

"I'm kidding," I addressed. "Your actually pretty cute."

"Aww tha-"

Before she could finish, a loud interrupting sneeze came from her.

"Well shit," I snarled at her.

"It's not my fault you dumbass," she smacks me in the back of my head.

The door then bursts open like a grenade. I was grabbed by the person and flung to the ground.

"Run Lea!" I screamed at her. "Run for your life!"

"Oh my goodness, stop overreacting you piece of garbage," a familiar voice said. I looked up to see Zayn and Loren staring at me.

"Oh, hey guys," I greeted them with a smile.

"Liam, can I share a secret with you?" Loren asked.


"You're a pussy," she said and they all laughed.

"Oh shut up," I grunted still laying on the ground.

"Guys, Liam and I are official now," Lea swooned.

I got up and stared in amusement, "No we aren't!"

"Yes we are," she says and tugs at my shirt.

"Lea your gonna make Liam hard," Loren says.

"I'm not going to get hard," I denied and they all laughed. "What?" They started to laugh even harder and I looked down at myself to see a bulge.

"Liam got real hard," Zayn said and continued to laugh.

"Told you we were an item," Lea whispered into my ear.

"Let's just keep going," I sighed.


Hey guys!🖐 Long time no see, apparently life's hard and stressful.

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