Chapter 42 - I'm in love with you

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Courtney's POV
Here we were, standing outside of the abandoned building, glitchy night posts and the sound of the wind so peaceful. It was quiet and the last thing I heard was a gunshot. Walking further outside I saw Liam, Louise, and Zayn with three other females. They all ran to me and we embraced in hugs.

"Oh my god, are you okay?" Liam asked caressing my cheeks.

"They didn't hurt you didn't they?" Zayn asked after.

"Oh no of course not," I smiled. "They just warmly enlightened my presence with gifts."

They all laughed and I added, "Oh did I mention they carried me to the amusement park just down the road and fed me popcorn with melted cheese of course they hurt me!"

"We're just glad your alive," Erica says picking at her nails.

"That's bad coming out of your mouth," Niall whispered.

"I heard what you just said you Scottish freak," Erica shot back at him.

"Oh, you did not just call me that you model-looking beauty!" Niall says.

"Oh my goodness thanks for the compliment," she brags and waves him off.

"Okay guys that's enough," one of the girls said. "Hey, I'm Liam's girlfriend, Lea." I looked at Liam whose cheeks were as red as an apple and giggled, "Nice to meet you."

"And I'm Loren," the other girl says.

"I'm Lele," the last one says. By her voice, I could tell she was Latina. As they all introduced themselves to Hannah, I smiled at them all but once again I was sad wondering if that gunshot I heard was Harry being injured or another. It all worried me.

"Put your hand up bitches!" someone yells in the far back. I looked and almost had a heart attack. It was Corbyn standing next to the only family I had left in this world...Brandon. My hands covered my mouth and I ran to both of them.

Hugging Brandon so tight I could just burst into tears any minute.

"Hey there little sis," he mumbles into my hair.

"I can't believe this is happening," I mumbled into his shirt and then pulled away.

"I thought I'd lose your stupid ass forever," he smiles and I punch him in the arm.

"You'll never get rid of her that easy," Corbyn mumbles.

"I heard you Corbyn," I smile at him and gave him a hug.

"Hey where's Hannah?" he asked and I gestured to Hannah making out in the corner with Niall.

Just as I looked away from them I saw a figure with piercing green highs just a few inches away from me. I knew those eyes anywhere. Not thinking twice I ran to that figure like my life depended on it and I smashed my lips to his. I could feel everyone's eyes burning into my back. Was this a bad idea? But then he kissed me back. Harry freaking Styles actually kissed me back! As we exchanged saliva, I wrapped my hand around his neck using the other to run my fingers through his short hair which I remember once was a hairy tomato. His hands moved down my body, every inch, every curve was touched which sent chills everywhere. It felt like it was just us left in this world. It felt goo-

"Okay get your filthy hand off of my sister before I let you meet my fist," Brandon interrupted, causing us to pull apart. "You had the nerve to come into my house and kidnap my sister and put her in danger with your bullshit."

"Wow calm down," Corbyn came up to Brandon backing him away from Harry who was still speechless from the kiss.

"Brandon, can I talk to you for a second?" I asked and pulled him away from everyone even without an answer.

Harry's POV
I watched as Courtney pulled her brother away to a corner leaving me alone with the stares from everyone.

"Can you dumbasses stop looking at me?" I growled and ran my fingers through my hair.

"Come on man we know you love her," Louise says and everyone nodded in agreement.

"And we darn well know she loves your ass too," Erica says.

"Come on just admit you got feelings for her," Loren then comes in.

"As her best friend of all I know she has feelings for you," Hannah said.

"I'm the best," Corbyn whines.

"If you don't tell Courtney you like her we will," Zayn said.

I ignored their words and wondered my eyes over to Courtney who was still talking to her brother. Curiosity killed the cat but I couldn't help but wonder what they were talking about. Was it the fact that I kidnapped her and put her in danger? Or that we kissed? Based on their body language it didn't seem like anything bad.

"Tell her you like her!" Lea snapped me out of my thoughts.

"Tell her!" they all started chanting.

"Tell her!"

"Tell her!"

"Tell her!"

"Tell me what?" a small yet cheery voice said. I looked to see Courtney standing beside me.

"Yea Harry," Brandon said sarcastically. "Tell her what?"

What was up this dude's ass? I mean yes I get the fact that I got his sister in some mess but does he really have to show it in a way that makes me want to kill him right here right now.

I moved my gazed from him to Courtney looking up at me and said the words I thought would never escape my mouth.

"That I'm in love with her"


Trust me I'm as surprised as you guys are lol

This book is almost done and I am excited. Ughh I remember when I was getting over 300 views on a chapter and over 100 votes probably but now I'm getting like 2 views and 0's sad.

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