Chapter 38 - Never go through the Red Wood Door

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Courtney's P.O.V

Hannah sat right across from me. Her hair all over the place, eyes bleedy red, smudged makeup, broken nails, pieces of her clothes torn, was barefoot and to me, it looked like one of her eyebrows was missing. She sat there staring at me like a lost puppy.

"Hannah Stocking," I said slowly.

"Umm..." she raised an eyebrow.

"Her only eyebrow to be exact"

"Shut up you"

"Is something wrong Courtney?" Hannah asked looking confused.

"No, sorry I just wanted to sound like a really smart detective," I admit. "Like in those movies when they reach to the extremely intense part and they say it so slow and it makes you want to explode."

"Wow!" she exclaims. "Not even a hi or what happened."

"Hey, what's up..."

"Oh be quiet," she hissed at me.

"What happened?" I asked her. "I thought you were with your grandma."

"I don't even know to be honest," she started. "I was standing outside waiting for a cab and then all of a sudden I was tied to a chair."

"Did they do anything to you?" I asked.

"Horrible things," she whispered.

"It can't be that bad," I rolled my eyes.

Hannah looked at me and widened out her eyes,"I urinated in a bottle for crying out loud!"

"Oh...that's bad," I choked on my saliva.

"And..." she started.

"And?" I wanted her to continue.

"My armpits have..."

"Speak up already," I whined.

"Hair," she whispered.

"Outrageous!" I screamed.

"I know right," she agreed and stretched her legs. Once her legs were opened, there was a loud noise that sounded like material being ripped. I looked at Hannah and saw that her pants were ripped right between her legs.

"Oh, my fried chicken?" I laughed hysterically.

"That's not nice," she pouted.

"Have you ever heard of Courtney being nice?" I asked. "I was going to give you a nasty look but you already got one down there."

Hannah ignored me and continued to look between her legs.

"Hannah!" I screamed and looked away from the horrible sight. "My life literally flashed before my eyes."

"What's wrong?" she asked.

"You don't have on any underwear!" I said with my eyes still closed. "Close your legs woman."

"You're the one who looked!" she shouted.

"As I said, my life flashed before my eyes," I reminded her. "Not even a wax can help you, you need a lawnmower."

"I've been here for weeks," she brags.

"Yeah and I've been on earth for 19 years and I have not one single hair down there," I explained. "You basically have a garden."

"Do you think Christian and Cameron are hot?" she smiled and winked.

"What! No!" I replied quick enough before she could say anything else. "You've been dumped, kidnapped, and the first thing that comes to mind after this conversation is if your kidnappers are hot?"

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