Chapter 3 - He's Gay

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Picture of Corbyn


"Mariah Carey!"

"Beyoncé has more awards than Mariah!" Corbyn screamed at Hannah.

"Mariah is sexier!" Hannah shot back at him.

"Can you two stop arguing?" I asked. "Even though I do prefer Beyoncé."

"Hah! In your face!" Corbyn excitedly screamed at Hannah.

"Let's go get some Starbucks," I told Corbyn.

"My car so I'll make the shots," he exclaimed. "Therefore I say we go get some Starbucks."

We drove to Starbucks and went to the drive-through.

"Hello and what can I get for you"

"Can I have Caffè Mocha, an Ice coffee, and a pumpkin spice latte all grande please," I spoke into the machine and Corbyn drove off to collect the items we have just ordered?

"That'll be $11.45," the woman said handing us our orders. We gave her the money and headed to the mall.


Corbyn parked his car and told us to call him when we're ready. We went into the mall and headed to the clothing section.

"I like this shirt," I said. "What about you Hannah?"

Not getting a response, I turned around to see Hannah checking out a guy from across the aisle and Corbyn walking towards us.

"I'll be over there," he said and walked away.

I grabbed her hand and pulled her to a corner while Corbyn was checking out men's underwear.

"What's that for?" she asked struggling out of my firm grip.

"I thought you just came out of a breakup," I whispered to her.

"I know Dytto but...he's hot, oh and look at those muscle printing through that shirt," she said staring at the guy who seemed to notice us and made his way towards us.

"Hi," he said.

"H-hey," Hannah stuttered.

"My name is Nathan," he shrugged."Is that your friend over there?," he asked pointing at Corbyn.

"Yeah, he is," Hannah replied.

"He's hot," Nathan whispered in a thick voice. Hannah and I looked at each other shocked as ever wondering what he had just said. I pulled out my phone and started to text Hannah.

C - Is he drunk or have mental issues
H - Who knows :(
C - That's why I asked Hannah.
H - He's still hot ;)
C - Hannah he's GAY!!!
H - *sigh*

"Umm...I'm you know," he said waving his hands at us.

"Oh we're-," Hannah stuttered.

"Sorry we lost track of time," I said finishing her sentence. "Well, gotta go." I grabbed Hannah's hand and pulled her over to Corbyn who was checking out a mannequin.

"What happened and who is that boy," Corbyn asked looking at the boy who was winking multiple times at him.

"It's no one," Hannah and I both screamed.

We got our stuff and gave Corbyn to put in the car. As we were walking out I bumped into the wall and fell hitting my back on the cold hard ground. Turns out it was a human.

"Watch where your going man," I said getting up and starring at him in his green eyes. His hair was messy and all his muscles were peaking through his black shirt. Wow, he looked hot, and those lips. Damn, I thought to myself.

"Sorry," he said in a thick British accent.

Dang he's British

Stop it Courtney...focus



"It's fine," I said to him. He stared at me intensely and I felt like I was about to wet myself on the spot. Hannah stood behind me tugging at my hoodie and making funny noises.

"I think I should go," I said breaking the silence between him and me. He nodded and I pulled Hannah outside. As we were walking out he kept starring at me.

"He was totally hitting on you," Hannah screamed in my ear as we got into the car.

"Hannah he literally exchanged one word with me," I smiled sarcastically.

"Oh shut up! You were totally into him," she giggled.

"He collapses into me and probably has a girlfriend," I hissed at her.

"Oh come on, you were checking him out," she said tapping my shoulder from the back seat.

"Am I missing something?" Corbyn asked looking confused.

"Yup," I said popping the P.

"What?" he asked still looking confused.

"The mannequin in the underwear you were starring at," I said laughing at him.

"I should have bought that underwear though," he said starting the engine.

"Until you grow something, my dear boy," I choked out still laughing at him. We drove off heading to my house.


It's funny to say that there are over a billion people in this world...and Courtney's still single. But she'll find true love somehow.

By the way, Courtney's nickname is Dytto

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