Chapter IV

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Your POV:
"Get up," I heard a robotic voice inform me, waking me from my deep sleep. I looked up groggily to find Kylo Ren, helmet and all, leaning over my bed. "Go get dressed, I expect you ready in ten minutes."

I sighed as I forced myself out of the comforts of my bed, although every fiber of my being was telling me to stay. But with only ten minutes before Kylo expected me to be ready for my first day of training, I needed every second available to me.

After showering in the shortest time I had ever managed, I threw my hair up into a ponytail so that it would stay out of my face during training. I then pulled on a pair of underwear and my leggings before slipping on a sports bra. I wished that they had supplied me with a little more clothing, my arms covered in goosebumps from the cold.

I left the bedroom, finding Kylo sitting on my bed as he waited for me. I ignored him as I walked over to my dresser to grab a pair of socks and slipped them on before putting on a pair of black trainers.

"Have you finally finished getting ready?" Kylo asked me, standing up in annoyance.

"Hey, you can't just expect a girl to jump up from bed and be ready to train within the next ten minutes," I argued, rolling my eyes. Besides, with hair like yours I'm sure you spend hours in the morning.

"Actually, I don't need to spend hours on my hair, I have little combs in my helmet so that when I take it off it always looks luscious," he replied with a sarcastic tone.

Wait, did Kylo Ren just make a joke? I asked myself in shock as he left the room. Recovering from that unexpected comment, I quickly rushed out after him and followed him to the training room.

"So how long ago did you realize that you were strong with the force?" He asked me as we reached the room.

"The force? Oh, right that thing. Well, it has been a couple months now. I mean, I might have had it before, it was just one day I was exhausted and really did not feel like crossing the room to get my blaster, so I just willed it to come to me and it actually came. Since then, I have been experimenting with it, with no idea what it was," I informed him, feeling oddly nervous as to what this training would entail.

"The force is a lot more than just having objects come to you. It can allow you to access other people's minds and give you power that you never knew existed. There is a reason that the Jedi were considered unbeatable, only those whose just as skilled in the force can defeat them. That is where you are going to come in."

"I-I don't understand," I admitted, deeply confused by what he had meant.

"Years ago all of the Jedi were wiped out, except for one. Since then, that man has lived in isolation, a place where neither the First Order or Resistance could reach him. We now have word that another force sensitive woman has been successful in convincing him to train her. Had it simply been Skywalker, I would have no trouble ending the Jedi once and for all, but because there are two I need an apprentice."

"So that's why I was chosen? Because of some girl you need to beat?"

"She is not just some girl," he growled, informing me that I had clearly struck a nerve. "Now that she is being trained by a Jedi master, she is becoming a large threat. The First Order needs you to aid me in destroying the last of the Jedi once and for all."

"And you expect me to compare to a Jedi Master? I'm not sure any amount of training will make that happen."

"That is where I will come in. I am going to train you to use the dark side of the force, the stronger of the two. Besides, if all goes as planned, you will not have to face Skywalker directly, but will take care of his new apprentice."

"So what exactly is involved in the training?" I asked curiously, unsure how I was supposed to train myself to use such a surreal power.

"Call that lightsaber to you and we'll start mastering your fighting skills," he informed me, pulling out his own light saber, which was secured to his belt.

I summoned the lightsaber and ignited it, starting to enjoy the feeling of the handle in my grasp. Kylo ignited his own, causing a crackling red light to emerge from the top as well on the two sides of the handle. He stuck his lightsaber down upon me, but I blocked the blow with my own lightsaber. But the power that Kylo used to strike me caused me to stumble backwards and try to regain my balance.

He came at me again, but this time I was prepared for it. I dodged the blow and tried to mount my own attack against him. He easily blocked my blow and lashed back at me, nearly cutting off a bit of my hair in the process. Not particularly desiring a hair cut, I rolled out of the way of his next attack, reigniting the blade as I tried to strike his lightsaber from his hand.

The more I fought with the weapon, the more it felt right to hold. I felt almost as though I had fought with it before, the cold handle reminding me of a similar experience from my past. All of a sudden, I felt my vision go fuzzy as I stumbled backwards to try to regain my balance. A white light blinded me and once that had disappeared, I was met with a vision of training with a different lightsaber, the light of this one a beautiful blue color.

"You're dead," Kylo informed me, bringing me back to the present. Still trying to figure out what I had just experienced, I realized the the blade of his lightsaber was a mere inch from my throat.

"I-I think- I think I have done this before," I muttered, staring at his mask in shock.


A/N: I apologize for not posting in a few days, by the time I've had a chance to do so I've either forgotten about it or have been too exhausted to proofread. I hope that you all enjoyed this chapter and getting a little glimpse into your past!

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