Chapter XI

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Your POV:
I felt my stomach churn in anticipation as Ben and I walked down the hallways of the ship, making our way to the hanger. I could feel the eyes of stormtroopers we passed by, none of them being used to seeing me as I didn't normally travel this far out into the destroyer.

"So that's Lord Ren's new apprentice?" I heard one of them ask his squad partner standing next to him. "She's much more attractive than I expected. I wouldn't mind the opportunity to spend my days training her, if you know what I mean."

I felt Ben tense up beside me and the sounds of the trooper choking made me realize what he was doing.

Ben, leave him be, I told him through my thoughts, sending a glance his way. Even though I knew he wanted to murder the stormtrooper for talking about me in that way, he gave in to my wishes and released the grasp he had on his throat.

Thank you, I sent in response, sensing that he was still extremely upset about the trooper's words.

No one should ever have to hear such disgusting implications coming from that repulsive little- I heard Ben's voice in my head.

Ben, I warned, figuring I should interrupt before he starting swearing.

He gave no response, continue to walk towards his waiting ship. The plan was to send the stormtroopers ahead to neutralize the village and then Ben and I would come in his personal shuttle to interrogate Orion Diruno.

"Sir, General Hux requested that you be equipped with a personal troop in case of any dangers. I have had the JL unit station themselves on board your shuttle," Captain Phasma spoke, approaching the two of us.

"Very well, tell your soldiers to begin the invasion, we will be there shortly," Ben replied, walking past her onto the ship where my former squadron was waiting.

I could feel the eyes of the men and women I used to fight with upon my back, but I tried my hardest to ignore it. Ben and I stood facing the ramp as we flew, not a word spoken between the two of us. I kept a facade of fearlessness to fool the stormtroopers we rode with, but inside I was extremely nervous. I wished that Ben and I were alone in the shuttle so that he would be able to wrap his arms around me and comfort me.

Relax, (y/n), everything is going to be fine, I'll be there for you, Ben's voice spoke in my mind.

I gave him a small smile, thank you, Ben.

The ship began to land, signaling the stormtroopers the flank Ben and I on either side. The ramp was lowered and Ben and I walked out into the smoldering remains of the village. Captain Phasma approached us, informing us of where the prisoner was and Ben motioned for me to follow him.

We found Diruno strapped to a chair with two stormtrooper guards on either side of him. He was a bit different than I expected him to be. He looked about in his late thirties, but it was clear that years of battle caused him to look older than he actually was. He was missing his left arm and his right leg was mechanical. I did not know what battles he had been in, but it was clear he had seen some serious action.

Ben motioned for the troopers to leave the room and then turned to the prisoner, "Orion Diruno, you should have saved yourself the trouble and remained in with the Resistance. Unless you would like to admit to being a spy for their pitiful organization."

"Kylo Ren, you cannot intimidate me," the prisoner spat back, glaring at him. "I know where you come from and that you still have light inside of you."

"How foolish a man can be when he knows the end is near," Kylo replied, circling the chair in which Diruno sat. "(Y/N), would you like to do the honors?"

I stepped forward, "you know what we've come for and you will be giving us answers. First off, where is the new Resistance base?"

"Do you really think they would tell me? I am no longer part of the organization," he replied and I must admit that he was a pretty good liar.

"So that's why you still have a com link to connect you to them?" I spat, stepping closer. I reached out towards him, searching his thoughts and memories for the answers I sought.

What I found was a memory of chasing a small boy with raven black hair in an open field. Both Diruno and the boy were laughing, joy filling my heart at the memory. I heard Diruno name the child, making me realize I was watching a young Ben Solo. There was something familiar about Ben, almost as though I had seen him that young before.

Pushing that out of my mind, I continued searching for the name of the planet that now housed the loathsome Resistance, making it as painful as possible for Diruno. A beautiful white coated planet came into my mind, one that I had never seen before. But because I was in another's mind the name easily came to me: Crait.

"Ah, so they are on Crait," I smiled, letting him know that I could find the answers even if he didn't give them up. "And is Skywalker and his apprentice with them?"

"What does it matter to you?" He asked through clenched teeth, causing me to admire his persistence.

I did not give him the luxury of a response, instead delving deeper into his thoughts. A holographic map appeared in my mind, leading into an area of space that was uncharted as far as I was aware. An orange line led to a planet by the name of Ahch-To. The memory then cut to an image of a young woman saying her goodbyes to what I assumed was the resistance.

"Rey, may the force be with you," I heard an older woman speak, a woman whose name was Leia. So this was Ben's mother, I wasn't expecting a woman with her reputation to be so beautiful, I was half expecting a marred soldier like the one I was interrogating.

The young woman, Rey, boarded a large freighter and then shot off into the sky, no doubt on her way to the planet that Skywalker was on. I lingered for a second longer to prolong Diruno's suffering before cutting the connection and smirking at him.

"I must thank you for that information, you have been must helpful," I spoke as I ignited my lightsaber and cut him in half. And just like that I had taken a life.

I didn't have much time to think about it, however, as a stormtrooper came rushing in, "there's been an uprising in the village. A group of villagers have managed to obtain weapons and have launched a guerrilla attack, you two need to get out of here!"


And now all hell breaks loose! I hope that you all enjoyed this chapter!

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