Chapter XVII

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Your POV:
I had to be wrong, but there was no other explanation. It wasn't as though I could ask a med droid for confirmation, I couldn't let knowledge of this get out. There was no way to be certain what would happen should the Supreme Leader find out. My best option was to talk to Ben about it and decide our best course of action. Snoke didn't need to know about it until the last possible second.

Although I had resolved to tell Ben, I never found the right moment to do so. Throughout the next couple days, we had been focused on our plan to attack the final Jedi as well as training to do so. And although we often slept together, I couldn't bring myself to confess everything as we lay so peacefully in each other's arms.

To be honest, I was afraid how he would react to the news. I was afraid that he would be upset with me, he would only see it as a mere complication. Or worse, he would become even more protective of me. He would refuse to send me on the mission with him and then he would attempt to fight both Jedi by himself so that I wouldn't be in harm's way.

The only thing I knew with this, at some point I wouldn't be able to hide the truth any longer. I needed to tell Ben of my pregnancy before that happened.

But now was not the time. Ben and I were getting dressed before going to his shuttle and departing for Ahch-To. We were to wear our menacing outfits there, but before the fight Ben was to shed his helmet, which limited his vision a bit, and we were both going to get rid of our cloaks so that we could be as agile as possible. I didn't quite understand why we didn't just disembark the shuttle in more reasonable attire, but it was the dark side aesthetic and I wasn't going to question it.

Once we arrived at the shuttle, Ben and I went to sit in the cockpit, refusing the offers of Hux to provide a few of his men to pilot the ship. Both of us had training fly ships and Ben knew the controls of his own shuttle very well. He had been teaching me how to fly it during the past few days, so we had no need of one of the First Order's pilots.

"Are you ready?" Ben asked me as he started the ships engine.

I looked at the controls in front of me as his co-pilot and nodded hesitantly, "I think I'll be able to help you fly this thing. The controls are similar to a TIE fighter and I have been well trained in flying those."

"That's not what I meant, (y/n), and you know it," Ben replied, putting his hand on top of mine.

"Well I would be lying if I said I wasn't nervous, but I am as ready as I'll ever be. You have truly been an amazing teacher and I will try my best to make you proud."

Ben shook his head, "(y/n), I already am proud of you, you have accomplished so much in your time as my apprentice. And now it is time to show off those skills to the world. It is a shame that the ones who get to see you fight end up dead before they can tell others."

Ben had the shuttle take off from the hangar located in the Star Destroyer, sending us out into the large vacuum of space. I helped him make the calculations for lightspeed and soon we were shooting through space, the shuttle surrounded by a blue hue.

We rode in silence, the atmosphere inside the ship painfully tense. I vaguely desired telling him about his child just so we could talk about something, but I knew now wasn't the time for that. If I told him now, he would refuse to bring me to the planet to fight, afraid that I would get injured and as a result so would the child.

After a few minutes of traveling at lightspeed, the shuttle slowed down and a beautiful planet, appearing cobalt blue from the exterior. There were wisps of clouds that obscured the blue color in spots, creating a beautiful contrast. It almost hurt to know that such a beautiful place was about to turn into a place of destruction.

We entered the planets atmosphere, immediately given the task of navigating through bands of clouds. That didn't daunt Ben in the slightest as he expertly maneuvered the ship and navigated it towards the most prominent island of the small planet. The island itself was extremely rocky, a fine layer of vegetation covering most of the cliffs. It overlooked the most beautiful ocean, miles of crystal blue water.

Ben landed the ship on a flat portion of the island and we looked outside the window to find two figures approaching us. One was an older man with graying wispy hair and a full beard, the man whom I assumed was Luke Skywalker. The other, Rey, was a young woman with dark brown hair tied into three buns on the back of her head.

Before we left, Ben gave me an encouraging nod and squeezed my hand slightly with his. He then stood up from the cockpit and began to walk out of the ship. I followed him, trying to calm my racing heart. This was it, the moment that I had been trained for since the beginning. I couldn't let Ben down, I had to give it my all and overcome Skywalker's apprentice.

Ben released the landing platform and we both stepped out through the released steam from the landing platform. The warm sun washed over us and we were met with a light breeze, causing my hair to wave playfully as a result. I noticed both confused looks on the two Jedi when I came into view.

Skywalker was the first to recover as he stepped forward and addressed my master, "Ben, I have been waiting for you to find us. I must admit, I wasn't expecting you to bring company."

In response, Ben let his cape fall and brought his hands up to his helmet, pulling it off of his head, "it is time for the final Jedi to die, their legacy must be wiped from the galaxy."

"You've never been more wrong, Ben. You can't seriously think that you'll be able to beat us, even with this woman's assistance. I've failed you, Ben, and for that I am sorry. But I won't let the First Order continue their control over the universe," Skywalker replied, igniting his lightsaber and causing a striking green light to emerge from the end of it.

I took that as my cue to shed my own cloak and ignite my lightsaber, glaring at Rey who was wielding a blue one. Ben was the first to strike, bringing his cross guard lightsaber down upon Skywalker.


Here comes the battle! What do you guys think the outcome will be?

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