Chapter XXXI

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Your POV:
"I still can't believe that we are going to have a child," Ben muttered in my ear, his hands resting upon the slight baby bump that had formed.

As of now, it was still quite small and completely unnoticeable in my daily outfit, but now that Ben and I were alone, I felt comfortable wearing a skin tight camisole. It allowed the bump to be seen, reminding both Ben and I of the miracle we had created. Though to be honest, I didn't need the bump reminding me that I was pregnant. Although the nausea had thankfully lessened, I was more prone to dizzy spells at this stage in my pregnancy.

"When Leia announced that the end of the First Order was near, a huge burden was lifted off of my chest. Someday soon, I will no longer have to fulfill my promise to serve the Resistance faithfully and then you and I can run away to raise this child in peace," I smiled in response, leaning back against Ben's chest.

"If you had told me a year ago that I would be this happy I wouldn't have believed you. But here I am only days away from having everything I could ever want. Thank you, (y/n), for being there for me and giving me a promise of a life so perfect that, even now, I can hardly believe it's true."

Before I had a chance to respond, there came a knock from the door of Ben's room. With an annoyed sigh, Ben sat up from the bad, clearly not thrilled about having to leave such a peaceful moment. I got up as well, hiding myself from view of the door so that the visitor didn't see me in clothing that would reveal my secret.

"Ben, I hope you don't mind me coming by here, but I really hoped to get a chance to talk to you," I heard a voice that I recognized as Leia's speak as Ben opened the door.

"Now's really not the best time, but if you would like to keep it brief, you can come inside," he replied, trying to keep his annoyance from showing through his voice, but failing to do so.

"I know you probably still hate me, but I really hoped to get the chance to make amends. I would have come sooner, but your uncle suggested I wait until you were a bit more adjusted to life with the Resistance. But I just wanted to let you know that I am sorry for not being there for you as a child, I truly thought that sending you to train with your uncle would be best. I hoped that in doing so, your uncle would be able to keep you from straying far better than I ever could, but it appears I was wrong-"

"Are you just here to apologize for failing me as child? Because if so, I have other things I'd rather be doing right now," Ben interrupted her, making me shake my head in annoyance.

"Ben, just listen to what she has to say, she's trying to mend your relationship," I spoke, leaving my hiding place and going to Ben's side, an action that wasn't thoroughly thought through on my part.

"Oh, forgive me, I didn't realize I was interrupting the two of you-" Leia began to apologize, her voice trailing off at the end as her eyes traveled down to my stomach. I blushed, realizing that I was still wearing nothing but my camisole, allowing her to see the rounded shape of my stomach. "(Y/N), are you- are you pregnant?"

Looking up at Ben uncertainly, I replied, "yes, I'm about four months along."

"And you let her go out into a battle while she was carrying, what I am going to assume to be, your child?" Leia asked Ben, her voice conveying her surprise.

"Yes, the child is mine, and I didn't have a choice in the matter. (Y/N) wanted to keep the child secret for the time being so there was no plausible excuse I could make up to get her out of the battle. Trust me when I say I would've done anything to keep her out of harm's way, with or without the child," Ben responded, pulling me a bit close to him as though protecting me from his mother.

Leia shook her head, "but I don't understand why you kept this from us, we would have had you serve from the command center, I would never knowingly send my grandchild into a battle."

"I-I was just not ready for people to know yet," I confessed, not wishing to go into depth as to why I hadn't wanted anyone to know. "Besides, it didn't end up mattering in the end, anyways so I see no point in furthering this conversation anymore. Would you look something to eat while you and Ben talk?"

"You really don't need to do that, I'm sure that you don't want to be on your feet this much being this far into your pregnancy. I'm sure it doesn't help that you've had such an eventful day," Leia responded, causing me to have to suppress a groan of frustration. And so it begins, being treated as though I can't do anything simply because I am carrying another life inside of me.

"Mother, I know you are just trying to be considerate, but this is exactly why (y/n) didn't want anyone to know about the child. She didn't want people pampering her like this," Ben fought for me. "But as long as you are planning on staying here, please take a seat and let's get this over with."

It took a moment for Leia to return to her original purpose for visiting Ben, taking a seat across from him before speaking, "I just wanted to thank you for everything that you did for the Resistance today, you are one of the main reasons for our victory and we cannot thank you enough for it. I know that you were not fighting for the Resistance per se, but rather for (y/n) and your child, but your efforts are still appreciated. We could really use some one like you helping us rebuild a democracy once the war is over, if you would be up to the task."

Ben raised his eyebrow skeptically, "that's why you decided to try to mend our broken relationship, so you can get a hotheaded former dark side user to serve in your new government? After the First Order is destroyed, I won't be taking any part in the light side or the dark side. With all that I've been through, I think I deserve some peace and I will be finding that with (y/n) and our beautiful child. Sorry mother, but you may leave now."

"Ben, please don't misunderstand me, I didn't just come here to offer you this position, I truly do want to make things right. I don't want to lose you again, not after how much it hurt the last time. If you choose not to be part of this government, then neither will I and perhaps I can be a part of this perfect family you have envisioned. I know that you probably still hate me, but I am hoping that you will be willing to give me a chance to make it up to you."

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