Chapter XVIII

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Your POV:
I lunged at Rey, watching as she deflected my first blow. Adrenaline began to kick in and I began having a bit of fun fighting her. It was different than fighting with Ben, as with him I knew that neither of us would get severely injured, and I found pleasure in the added risk. I delivered blow after blow relentlessly, barely giving Rey anytime to defend herself.

I could hear Skywalker talking to Ben as the two of them fought each other as well as Ben responding, but they had ended up too far away to make out the words that were exchanged between them. It was difficult to keep my focus on Rey when I knew that Ben was fighting the most powerful Jedi alive, but I knew that if I allowed myself to become too distracted, Rey could easily take advantage of that and gain the upper hand.

Rey tried to slice down at my leg, but I blocked her blow with my lightsaber then sliced my lightsaber up, managing to scratch her leg in the process. She managed to nick my arm and the slight pain that the wound produced was enough to enrage me further, turning my attacks even more relentless than they had been before. I embraced the power that the dark side was giving me, causing her to have to fight to keep up with each of my attacks.

Knowing that only using lightsabers would cause this battle to go on longer than I wanted it to, I used the force to knock her against the side of the cliff, causing her to release a shriek of surprise and fall unconscious to the ground. I gave a triumphant smirk as I approached her, like a hungry lion getting ready to pounce upon a wounded antelope. I raised my lightsaber to deliver the deadly blow, finding my attack blocked by the green blade of a lightsaber.

I looked up to find myself fighting with Skywalker, who had managed to get over to where Rey and I were fighting in order to protect his apprentice. Wondering how he had managed to escape Ben, fear began to settle within my body. I glanced over to where they had been fighting only to find Ben lying down on the ground.

"You have much hatred in you," Skywalker noted, causing me to turn my attention back on him. "But the dark side is not where you belong. You have hidden the light inside of you for too long, let it free."

"You can't turn me, Skywalker," I growled angrily, trying to brush my lightsaber against his arm. "I will remain faithful to Kylo Ren and the First Order."

He easily blocked my attack and brought his blade down upon me. I was quick enough to meet it, the red clashing against the green. I stared into his blue eyes as sparks spit from the two beams of light hitting each other. His eyes narrowed in curiosity as he scanned my face, a flash of recognition washing over him.

"Lucia?" Skywalker asked, staring at me in shock.

My vision went white as his voice filled my head. I had heard that name before and I had heard him say that name before. But that wasn't possible, I had never met Skywalker before, had I?

A scene emerged before my eyes and instead of the island I was in a room with a bunch of children. There must have been about a dozen of us there, each wearing the same robe-like garments. The other children were wearing a helmet which covered their eyes as they battled a small, floating grey orb. I picked my own helmet and was about to do the same when I heard a name called out.

"Lucia? May I speak to you for one second?" A bearded man, one who looked much like a younger version of Skywalker called out into the training room.

"Of course, Master Skywalker," I replied obediently, hooking my lightsaber to my belt and following him out of the room.

As I was brought back to reality, I took a step away from Skywalker, trying to figure out what my vision had meant. He deactivated his lightsaber and stared at me in amazement and wonder.

"Lucia, how could you betray the light like this?" Skywalker asked, acting as though it were him I had betrayed.

I shook my head, keeping my lightsaber ready to defend myself, "I am not Lucia, I don't know what you're talking about."

"You don't remember?" Skywalker questioned, not helping me understand what was going on at all. "You were there at my Jedi training camp before Ben destroyed it."

"Ben," I muttered, glancing over to his fallen body. Knowing that I wasn't currently being threatened by Skywalker, I ran to my loved one's side and cried, "Ben, please wake up! Don't do this to me, don't die on me!"

I tried desperately to wake him, finally getting him to open his eyes slowly. He lifted his gloved hand to my cheek and gave me a small smile, "I knew you would be strong enough to defeat him, I'm sorry that I wasn't."

"No Ben, hang on, don't do this," I cried out, tears spilling from my eyes. "I love you."

"I know," he breathed, losing the energy to remain conscious.

Tears falling down my cheek onto his, I brought my lips to his and gave him a passionate kiss. I felt his body collapse in my arms and a tortured scream left my throat, fearing that I would lose the only man I had ever loved.

"He's still alive," I heard Skywalker announce as he approached were I was huddled over Ben's body.

"Barely," I spat in return, glaring at the old Jedi. I didn't care what he knew of my past, I wanted him dead. "You did this to him and now you will pay."

I lunged at him with my blood boiling with rage. My attacks were not thought through, they were spontaneous and desperate. Skywalker was easily able to defend each one with ease and soon had the blade of his lightsaber dangerously close to my throat.

"Lucia, I know that you don't remember who you are, but I can help you. You don't belong on the dark side, no matter what you have convinced yourself of over the years. I will tell you who you truly are if you promise to come with me," Skywalker bargained.

"And let Ben die? You Jedi pretend to be so much better, but you're the same as us!" I carried out in defiance, despite knowing that any sort of movement could end my life. From the corner of my eye, I noticed Rey getting up from the ground, recovering from the force with which she had hit the side of the cliff. Great, now I would have to beat two of them if I wished to escape.

"We can take Ben with us and give him medical attention, but you must swear to return to the light. Only then can I let you off of this island alive and remind you of your past. Lucia, your mom was so thrilled when she heard that you were going to be a Jedi, don't insult her memory by siding with the dark."

"And you promise to give Ben the best medical care?" I asked, being tempted by his offer. I knew I wouldn't be able to win against Skywalker and Rey together, this was the only way that I could save myself, Ben, and our unborn child.

"I will bring you to the Resistance base and there he will be admitted into the med bay. I can't be positive that he will survive, but it is his best chance at survival and you know it."


What do you think will happen? Will you turn to the light? Will Ben survive? Is Luke simply playing you?

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