Chapter XIX

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Your POV:
I carried Ben's body to Rey and Luke's ship, refusing to let anyone else touch him. Even when I moved him, he didn't stir from his unconscious state. The entire way, Rey was sending glances at me, making it clear that she didn't trust me. To that end, Skywalker had taken my lightsaber from me so that I couldn't pull anything. I felt so weak having given myself up so easily and being unarmed, but I knew it was all in an attempt to save the man I loved as well as our child.

A large, hairy creature emerged from inside the ship, reminding me of the one from Ben's memory. Upon seeing me, he growled ferociously, but Skywalker tried to calm him down. He was still glaring at the body in my arms, but listened to Skywalker's words. I figured that he was upset with Ben for having killed his father, someone who this creature seemed to have been friends with.

Skywalker led me to the medbay of the craft where I could lie Ben down and give him some medical attention. I tended to the wounds that I could, but there were some I knew were beyond my capability. I sat at the edge of the padded alcove that I had lay Ben on, running my fingers through his hair and watching his still face.

"You can come sit down over here, you know," Skywalker told me as he sat down at a curved booth behind a small circular table.

I shook my head, "I'm not leaving his side."

"Quite the admiration you have for your master, isn't it? You even call him by his birth name as opposed to his name as a member of the First Order," Skywalker observed, causing my cheeks to turn pink with embarrassment. "How long have you two been in love?"

"That's none of your business," I replied, not wishing to discus such an intimate topic with the man I had been tasked with killing. "Tell me about my past."

"You're eager to get answers, aren't you?" He smiled slightly.

"If you had agreed to turn in order to obtain answers, I'm sure you'd be just as eager," I commented, a hint of bitterness in my voice.

"Unfortunately, I suspect we'll be arriving at the Resistance base shortly so we don't have much time to talk about it. Chewie and Rey claim that the homing beacon is leading us somewhere relatively close."

"Then I expect answers within the first few days on the base or else I'm leaving with Ben," I bargained with him, although I knew once I got to the base I would be treated like a prisoner.

We fell into silence and returned my attention on Ben. He was still breathing, but it was shallow and slow. I feared that he wouldn't make it to the Resistance Base, but I pushed the thought out of my mind after realizing how much it pained me.

The ship came out of lightspeed, making me realize that we were about to land on the Resistance base. Skywalker stood from his seat and walked over to me, placing his hand on my shoulder. It felt oddly comforting for some reason and I blinked back the tears that filled my eyes as I got up from my spot on the padded alcove.

"Will you help me with Ben?" I asked him, letting him know that I trusted him enough with the life of the man I loved.

He nodded, not saying a word. But even in his silence I could tell that he was relieved that I was trusting him enough to ask for his help. The ship we were on landed, jolting me forward a little. Chewie and Rey emerged from the cockpit and lowered the boarding ramp while Skywalker and I carried the still unconscious Ben out onto the Resistance base.

"Someone get a medic!" I heard a voice call out as they noticed the unconscious body we were carrying.

"But that's Kylo Ren, he's the enemy!" Someone else replied and I angrily searched the crowd to try to locate who it was who wanted to prevent Ben from receiving medical attention because he was 'the enemy.'

"Don't worry, Lucia, they'll take care of Ben for you, no matter what he has done in the past," Skywalker promised as a doctor approached us with a gurney. I hesitantly helped Skywalker place Ben upon the gurney and tried to follow the doctor into the base, but Skywalker stopped me.

"Let me go, I have to make sure he's alright," I growled at Skywalker, wishing that I still had my lightsaber on me.

"You'll have a chance to check up on him, but first there are some matters that we have to attend to," he replied, looking up as an older woman approached us. I recognized her from the vision I had seen from Diruno's memories, it was General Leia.

"Luke, you brought him back," she noted, staring at her brother in shock.

His shoulders fell as he addressed the sister he hadn't seen in years, "I'm sorry Leia, I failed you. You trusted me with your son, but I only perpetuated the darkness inside of him, I couldn't stop it."

"It's not your fault, Luke, we both know it was Snoke who turned him. There was nothing you could have done."

"But there was Leia, I had seen the darkness inside of him and, on the night he destroyed the temple, I had a desire to kill him in order to prevent the darkness! I created Kylo Ren-"

"But you also brought him back," she argued, giving him an assuring smile.

"He hasn't turned, I brought him back with Lucia's promise that they would align themselves with the light from now on. He never agreed to it," Skywalker explained, causing Leia to look over at me.

"You are Ben's new apprentice?" She questioned, her eyes scanning my body. "We had heard rumors of you, but you certainly are not what I expected."

"Despite what my past might be, my name now is (y/n) (l/n). Now if you would please excuse me, I would like to go check up on Ben," I replied to Leia, hoping that she would let me see him.

She raised her eyebrow slightly, "you call him Ben? How close were the two of you?"

"It doesn't matter, just let me see him," I growled, anger swelling inside of me. I was sick of these delays, the man I loved was on the brink of death.

"Unfortunately we cannot have you roaming the base unsupervised until we've had you've had a full psychological check and we do not deem you a threat. I would be willing to let you go see my son, but you'll have to wear these," Leia bargained as someone approached with a pair of cuffs. Knowing it was the only way I could go see Ben, I accepted the restraints and then followed Leia to the med bay.


I apologize for not updating, I haven't had much time to write and revise. But I wanted to update today in honor of the Last Jedi coming out on digital! Hopefully soon I'll be able to update consistently again!

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