Chapter V

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Your POV:
"What are you talking about?" Kylo asked me as he lowered the blade of his lightsaber.

"I-I remember holding one of these before," I told him, looking down at the lightsaber by my side. "Except the blade wasn't red, it was a vibrant blue color."

"I am sure that you are just imagining it, why don't we trying fighting again," he dismissed it, though it seemed like he was contemplating it more than he let on. "This time don't just fight, reach out to the force to give you strength. You are a natural fighter, I am sure stemming from the years of conditioning to be a stormtrooper, but you need something more."

"How do I do that?" I asked, still unsure how this force thing worked.

"Close your eyes," he ordered, but I was too wary to listen to him blindly.

"But won't you just try to attack while my guard is down?"

"Just trust me, (y/n)," he requested and I sighed as I did what I was told. "Now reach out with your feelings and tell me what you feel."

"I feel light and peace, the feelings of life emerging from around me," I informed him, the same sensations pulsing through my body as they had when I had experimented on my own. Suddenly the sensations changed and I expressed them to him, "But there's also darkness, anger and chaos. Like death and decay."

"Very good, that is the dark side," he informed me as a sense of power flooded my bring.

"And there's more. It is a balance of the two, neither purely light nor purely darkness. There is death but it's feeding new life, there is destruction, but it's paving the way for peace," I continued, reaching out further into this mysterious force.

"That is nothing to concern yourself with, return to the dark side, there you will find the power you need to defeat the scavenger girl. She will be using the light side which is powerful, but does not compare to the strength of the dark side. Now, I need you to embrace the darkness and allow yourself to be fueled by anger and fury that resides there."

I allowed my body to be engulfed with the power of the dark side, my senses becoming heightened. It warned me of Kylo's attack a split second before he ignited his lightsaber, bringing it down upon me. I easily blocked his attack while I opened my eyes. This time was different, this time I was fueled with a strange power that gave me more strength than I could have mustered beforehand.

Even with my newfound strength, Kylo ended up gaining the upper hand, his blade nicking my thigh. I clenched my teeth, trying to ignore the pain as I tried to attack him again, but he easily blocked it. Anger flooded through my veins and I used that drive to keep going, but it soon became clear that there was no way I was going to win against someone who was so well trained.

I lowered my weapon and he did the same, removing his mask in the process, "some day you may be able to beat me, you'll just need to put some more effort in."

"I was putting in all that I have," I argued in frustration, upset that he thought I wasn't giving him all that I had.

"Physically yes, but you have a lot to learn about your mental state while you fight. I was able to predict every attack that you had on me, your thoughts being far too loud to ignore. If you want to even hope to beat someone in a duel, you'll need to shut your mind off from anyone wishing to pry."

"And how am I supposed to do that?" I asked, having to sit down after all of the energy that I had expended fighting him.

"I need you to close your eyes and imagine building a wall around your thoughts, something to keep people out," he instructed and I did as he asked, not quite believing that that would do anything. Suddenly it felt like my head was splitting in two, a sharp pain obscuring my thoughts.

"Resist me, (y/n)! I can see every thought that you have, you need to resist me!" Kylo barked at me and I could feel him searching around in my mind.

"Get out of my head!" I screamed back, trying to resist him with ever ounce of power that I had.

The pain suddenly stopped and I looked up to find Kylo staring at me in shock. I suddenly feared that I had done something wrong, but was too afraid to ask him what I had done. We simply stared at each other for the next few minutes, neither one of us moving.

Then Kylo shook his head and backed away from me, "you were able to cast me from your mind, but that won't be good enough. You need to be able to prevent me from reading your thoughts in the first place, or at the very least cast me out quicker."

"I am sorry," I muttered, avoiding his gaze so that I did not have to face his disappointment.

"Take a break for lunch, but when you get back I'm not going to go so easy on you," he informed me as he grabbed his helmet. "Oh, and Sith Lords do not apologize. Do not fear disappointing your master, failure should not be your drive to succeed."


Kylo's POV:
"She had a memory of wielding a lightsaber before, I thought she was lying but when I penetrated her mind I could see it as clearly as she had," I informed Supreme Leader Snoke, needing to seek his guidance on this subject.

"I would not concern yourself with that at the moment, it may have simply been a dream of hers when she was younger. The only people who have been trained with a lightsaber are dead, she could not have been among them. Focus on training her and keeping her safely on the dark side, something more than I can say about you," Snoke replied, glaring at me at the end.

"My loyalties lie with you and the dark side, I have not been swayed," I argued, although I knew that that wasn't true.

"Liar! I have sensed the conflict within you, it has only been heightened since the killing of your father. I suggest you be more careful, Kylo Ren, you are treading upon dangerous ground," he threatened as the holographic figure disappeared.


I'm not going to be focusing much on their training in this, merely because I want to get the story going more rather than lingering on their training. So for the next chapter I'm going to have a time skip, I hope you're all ok with that! Please let me know what you think of this story so far!

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