Chapter XXII

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Your POV:
Rey was correct when she had told me that Luke had planned to begin training us together. At first I had simply thought it was because he wanted me to make stronger connections with the people within the Resistance in order to minimize the chances of me betraying them, but I soon discovered that it was due to a mission that we were to be sent on.

Although the First Order had lost Ben and I, as long as Snoke remained in power, the First Order would survive. Without him, the organization would most likely crumble from lack of an authoritative figure. Knowing this, the Resistance had a plan to eliminate Snoke, involving all three force users that they had.

We continued training for the mission for the next couple weeks, simply until we knew each other's fighting styles so that during battle we could use each other's strengths. But the day that we were to infiltrate the First Order base came quicker than I was expecting, the final challenge that I would have to face before my return to the light side of the force was complete.

"I promise to be back soon, Ben," I spoke to my loved one, who remained unconscious. "Will you do me a favor and wake up for me when I get back? I don't know how much longer I can go on without knowing if you'll survive this and, to be completely honest, I'm losing hope that you will pull through. Please wake up for me, I have so much that I have to tell you."

After pausing briefly, as though hoping that he would choose that moment to wake, I placed a kiss upon his awaiting lips and left his bedside. It hurt me to know that I was going off into battle without getting to truly say goodbye to him, that I could die and he would never know of our child. But I had to keep faith that he would awaken and I would return to him. One day we would be able to live together without this horrible war getting between us, we just had to remain strong until then.

Luke and Rey were waiting outside the ship we were to use to sneak aboard Snoke's Destroyer, surrounded by a few members of the Resistance. General Organa was there as well as Poe and Finn, who I had come to know more during our meals together. I gave them a small smile before climbing on board and sat in the copilot seat, able to slip past the crowd as they were all too busy talking to Luke and Rey.

"You know, the General wanted to say goodbye to you," Rey informed me as she sat down in the pilot's seat. "You can probably still catch her if you ran out right now."

I shook my head, "I can talk to her once the mission is over, right now I just want to focus on this one thing. Besides, I don't know what I'd say to her, it is rather awkward with my relationship with her son."

Luke arrived in the cockpit and sat in the seat behind Rey, our signal to begin the taking off sequence. Rey was an exceptional flyer, having gained much knowledge of how ships worked as a scavenger, which was why we had nominated her as the pilot. I volunteered to be copilot, taking pride in what I had learned from Ben as well as my training as a stormtrooper.

Once we left Dantooine's atmosphere and had the ship calculate the jump to lightspeed, we traveled through hyperspace without saying a word to one another. I knew fear was not something those trained with the light side should have felt, but it was clear that both Rey and I were a bit nervous. Luke remained his peaceful self, meditating quietly in his seat.

"Do you really think this will work?" Rey asked me, finally breaking the silence.

"Well, if it doesn't then I don't see any of us leaving the Destroyer with our lives," I replied, preparing the cloaking device. The plan was a simple one: cloak our entrance, sneak around the ship unnoticed, use our intuition with the force to find Snoke, kill him, and get the hell out of there. Little did they know that I had something else in mind.

Only a moment later our ship's acceleration decreased, the large black Destroyer appearing before us. Luke opened his eyes and watched as I pretended to cloak our approach. Suddenly the ship began to shake slightly and a few of the lights went out. I turned to Rey, my expression asking her what had happened.

"They've got us in their tractor beam, the cloaking didn't work," she replied with a concerned look on her face. "What are we going to do now?"

"Does there happen to be any smuggling compartments on this ship?" Luke asked, a smile playing upon his lips.

"No, but I have a plan, you just need to follow my lead and trust me," I assured them, waiting for the ship to get a bit closer before trying to patch into the Destroyer's communication. "This is (y/n), the apprentice of Kylo Ren, and I have returned from my mission with Skywalker and Rey as my prisoners."

Before the two had a chance to react to my words, I summoned their lightsabers to my possession and stood from the copilots seat. The ship landed safety inside the Destroyer's hangar and I awaited for the boarding ramp to lower as Luke and Rey approached me.

"What are you doing, (y/n)?" Rey asked me cautiously, a look in her eyes informing me that she didn't trust me.

I gave her no response but exited the ship, handing their lightsabers to the stormtroopers who came to meet us and allowed cuffs to be placed upon my wrists. Behind me, stormtroopers bound Luke and Rey similarly, Rey giving me a look a betrayal.

"What do you know? Finally Kylo Ren's great apprentice has returned to us," General Hux sneered at me as the troopers led me to where he was waiting. He then turned to the troopers, "bring the three of them to Supreme Leader Snoke, I'm sure he will very much enjoy ending their pitiful lives."

"It's good to see you again, Hux," I smiled at him, giving him a wink as I walked past, leaving him in utter confusion.

Luke, Rey, and I were accompanied by two armed troopers as we made our way to Snoke's throne room, left in complete silence. I could tell Rey wanted answers for my actions, but she knew as well as I that I wouldn't say anything in the presence of the stormtroopers. Instead, I left them wondering what I was up to as we traveled in the elevator.

The doors opened and the stormtroopers flanked us as we stepped out in front of Snoke. I knelt down before my master as Luke and Rey walked passed me in defiance. I heard Snoke let out a small chuckle as he let the cuffs around my wrists fall to the floor with a loud clang.

"(Y/N), I was wondering when you would be returning," he spoke as he leaned forward in his throne, a smile resting upon his lips. "And I see that you've brought me a gift."

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