Chapter XV

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Ben's POV:
(Y/N) and I parted ways once we reached the interrogation rooms. While her subject had yet to awake, mine had awoken just in time. The rebel was a male Abednedo, one who had most likely been a ground fighter as he was found in the trenches along with our other prisoner.

"Let's get this over with, shall we?" I asked as entered the room and sat down across from him and watched him intently behind my mask. "Why don't you begin by telling me who you are?"

"I won't be telling you anything," he replied, glaring at me with all of the hatred he could convey.

I smirked and got up to walk around him, "do you really think that's true? I can read every one of your thoughts, you won't be keeping anything from me."

"I'd sooner die than betray the Resistance."

"Oh, don't worry you will die. But first, you will give me the answers that I desire," I replied, beginning to search his thoughts. "For example, your name is Ukla Komo and you joined the Resistance three years ago after a First Order attack on your village. Now let's see where Luke Skywalker and Rey are hiding, shall we?"

As I searched through his mind, I found an image of a map that led to a planet in uncharted territory. I assumed that this was what (y/n) had found when she had searched the other Resistance officer's mind. I could find nothing to suggest that they had left the island, leaving me to conclude that they were still there somewhere.

"One last question for you," I spoke, although I honestly didn't need to verbally ask any questions. "Where is the new Resistance base?"

"I couldn't tell you even if I wanted to, we were going to find that out once we got onto the transports," Komo responded through gritted teeth as he tried to suppress the amount of pain he felt.

"And why should I believe that? You've told me no other truths today," I replied, ignoring his response and searching in every corner of his mind.

Unfortunately, it appeared that for once he was telling the truth and we were left without the knowledge of where the Resistance was heading next. Nonetheless, I could at least hope that (y/n) was getting more answers out of her Resistance officer.

I left the interrogation room and instructed for the stormtroopers to torture the Resistance fighter to death, deciding to make him pay for his attempts to take down the First Order. I then returned to the training room, where I would be meeting with (y/n) once she had finished conducting her own interrogation.


Your POV:
It wasn't for another hour before the Resistance fighter finally woke up, taking in his surroundings for a minute or two before he spotted me waiting in the corner. He tensed up as his eyes met mine and I could see a glimmer of fear in his.

"Who are you?" He asked in confusion, trying to free himself from his restraints.

"Who I am does not concern you, you won't be living much longer anyway," I replied coldly, approaching his side and looking down at him. "I am here for answers and you will be giving them to me."

"I'm not going to give anything to you!" He spat, trying to put on a brave face.

I laughed at his ignorance and responded, "oh, I don't think you'll have a choice. Now, will you be cooperative and give me your name?" The man remained silent, refusing to say a word as he glared at me. "Ah, so you would rather we do this the hard way."

Recalling all that Ben had taught me, I plunged into this man's mind and searched through all of his thoughts and memories. I could see him hanging out with other Resistance fighters before the attack, planning their very own attack against us. Knowing that would be vital information, I lingered on the memory until I had discovered the Resistance's plan of attack. I must admit, it was rather clever and would probably have worked had I not been given the information before the attack.

Leaving that memory behind, I began to search for details about his life. I discovered that his name was Cyan Thaxton, a human from the planet Coruscant, who had joined the Resistance with a group of friends. All but one of those friends had been killed in the line of duty and he blamed himself for being one of the sole survivors. But at the same time, he knew that they had died fighting for the good of the universe and that they had died honorably.

"So you blame yourself for your friends' deaths?" I questioned, receiving a shocked look in response. "Oh yes, I can read your thoughts. Don't worry, Cyan, you'll soon be able to join your friends in death, but first you'll tell me where Skywalker and his apprentice are."

"Is that why I was brought here? To help you take down the last of the Jedi?" Thaxton asked, tears glittering in his eyes from the immense pain brought upon by my searching. "Even if you find them, you won't be able to beat them. This is Luke Skywalker you're talking about! Besides, Rey was able to beat Kylo Ren in their last encounter, I don't see much hope for you."

"I wouldn't be so confident in your allies' abilities, Cyan. You don't know anything about me, you don't know how skilled I am at wielding a lightsaber," I growled in response, although I was curious as to why Ben had never mentioned his previous fight with Rey. "Now, tell me where they are hiding or else I'm going to have to keep digging into your mind. Either way, I'll have my information so you might as well choose the less painful of the two."

"I'm never going to bow down to the First Order, no matter how much pain you inflict on me."

"Very well, we shall do this the hard way," I replied, giving him a small smirk before delving back into his thoughts.

I finally found a memory of him and one of his fellow Resistance members discussing Skywalker. It seemed that he wasn't in the room when the map to him was revealed, but his comrade was.

"So he's been hiding out on this planet, Ahch-To since his temple was burned down? Why the hell would he do that?" Thaxton asked his friend, a confused look on his face.

"No one really knows, but I wish Rey luck on trying to get him to come back. No one goes to the most unfindable place in the galaxy for no reason. I wouldn't be surprised if he just sends her right back here," his companion replied.

"Do you really think he'd do that? He's Luke Skywalker, for force's sake! He's supposed to be a great hero!"

Having received the knowledge that I had looking for, I pulled out of the memory and spoke to Thaxton, "so your friend was not sure that Skywalker would end up teaching Rey?"

"What does that matter to you? Rey hasn't returned, so clearly he was wrong. Luke has been training Rey and you and Kylo Ren will have no chance against the two of them."

"We shall see about that," I replied, hating the feeling of my abilities being questioned.


Sorry for not posting, I've been spending a lot of time doing homework, at rehearsals and preparing for an audition (which I completely massacred today) but I do hope you enjoyed this chapter!

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