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"Mom turn on the radio"

"No my head hurts" my mom replies.

"Ugh okay." I slouch back in the seat.

"Why are we riding in the same car as mom and Dad though?" James whispers.

"Because we're going to the mall.. remember? Our plan?"

"Wait we're doing that right now?"

"Yes!" I whisper yell.

"Why? I thought-"

"Yeah, I know. But while you were having your little concert this morning, I logged into mom's Facebook and-"

"So you're telling me that you literally downloaded Facebook just to log into-"

"Yes I did! Now stop cutting me off. As I was saying, I logged into mom's Facebook and messaged Lisa. We started a conversation and I found out they're going to the mall now, not later today. I just ended up saying we were too"

"Oh. Okay." He relaxes. I laugh to myself and go back onto my phone.


"Mom do we really have to all walk together?"

"Yes, I don't want you guys wondering off by yourselves"

"James is a teenager. I'm an adult."

"Listen to your mother" my dad let's out an annoyed huff.

"I just don't understand why-"

"Lisa!" My mom cuts me off. My head snaps forward and back at James. We smirk at each other.

I look back ahead of me.
There they stand.
The Dolans.

I'm Sorry, Again | E.DWhere stories live. Discover now