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We get back to the hospital. All of the sudden I snap back to reality and remember that my best friend has no clue who I am. It's getting late and my parents are probably still upset with me for my "attitude" at dinner. I'm extremely tired and can't focus. A large breath escaped my lips that I didn't know I was even holding.

"Hey, everything will be okay" Ethan noticed my expressions and grabbed my hand.

"Thanks, E" I gently kissed his lips. We walked back to the waiting room where the Dolans were waiting. And then, I saw them. My family. Once they turned around and saw us, my mom stood up.

"Jasmine Renae, I did not give you permission to run off"

"I know, I'm sorry" I mumbled while looking at my shoes.

"See? You pay hardly any attention to me when I speak"

"Mom, I'm upset, okay? My bad" I strike.

"Because I yelled at you during dinner? I'm sorry that you had to experience that there are consequences for your actions-"

"Did you not tell her?" I look at Lisa. Lisa and Sean shook their heads and frowned.

"Tell me what?" my mom looks around. I take a breath and bite my lip because I know that if I speak, the tears will come quick.

"Tell me what?!" she raised her voice.

"Mom? Gray doesn't know who I am. He recognized his family and not me. Chances are he doesn't recognize you, dad, or even James" I point at them, "I don't know what to do or how to bring his memory back, I don't know how to get Grayson Bailey back. So I'm sorry I don't feel like talking right now and I'm sorry that I'm not straight forward, but don't blame me for something I can't fix." At this point i'm yelling with sobs.

"Baby i'm sor-" she tries to hug me.


"no?" she raised her eyebrows and backs up.

"no" I repeated. "I don't want to be touched right now."

"Ethan's holding your hand" she points out.

"Ethan is my world. He protects me and makes me feel better." I say and look into his eyes.

"Dolan?" the male doctor calls once again. "follow me" he gestured us.

"Okay, so as you can see-"

"who are they" Gray interrupts as he sees my parents. Then James walks in and Grayson becomes silent. He looks very concentrated.

"Do you know this young man?" the doctor points to James. Grayson takes a minute to think.

"It's okay, take your time" the doctor pats is shoulder.

"That's... That's my friend.. James"

"Yeah, yeah it is" Sean smiled. James let out a sigh of relief.

"Do you remember this young lady now?" Lisa points towards me. We all look at each other, nervous.

"No... I.. I'm sorry" a tear drops his eye.

"Hey don't cry, it's okay" I tell him.

"I feel so bad, but I just can't remember" his voice cracks.

"Gray, listen. Don't worry, okay? I'm fine."

"you sure?" he looks back at me and nods.

"I'm positive" I smile and grab Ethan's hand. I squeezed it, as a sign that I really wasn't okay. He got the message, I knew he did. He kissed my head.

"do you two wanna stay here and talk to him?" my mom looked at us. We nodded and everyone walked out. Ethan and I sat down in the chairs beside Grayson's hospital bed.

"So.. you two are together?" Grayson looks at our hands.

"Yeah, we have been for a while. A few years now" I said, not bringing up what happened last year. He didn't need anymore stress.

"and how long have we been... best friends?"

"Since we were seven." I slightly smile.

"Then how come I don't remember? and why was James with you and those two adults?"

"Well.. James is my brother. And they are our parents. Friends with your parents."

gray closes his eyes and his head hits the pillow, and he sniffles.

"I'm so sorry.... uh-"

"Jas" I giggle.

"I'm so sorry Jas."

"Hey, like I said, don't be sorry."

"But I still am."

"It's okay, I get it."

I'm Sorry, Again | E.DWhere stories live. Discover now