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"Hey, sweetie, you feeling okay? you slept in really late" my mom walks up to me as I enter the kitchen.

"Yeah I'm fine. Uh what day is it?"

"Monday. James already left for school by the way."

"Wait. what time is it"

"8:30, why?"

"Ethan's flight back to LA is at 11." I sigh and rub my eyes.

"Oh I'm sorry" my mom rubs my arm as she walks past me to get to the fridge.

"Mom, I really don't want him to leave."

"Have you guys talked it out?"

"well yeah. He requested I tried to get re-accepted. But college is strict, especially this one. I don't think it would be that easy. Plus, this is my home, mom. I don't wanna be anywhere else."

"Well it's up to you to finish-"

"Mom, I was studying interior design. at most schools, including this one, it only takes two years to get a degree. No, it's not a masters degree, But it helps. and I almost finished sophomore year. I could take online courses and finish up, getting a degree and people can then hire me to decorate their homes. It's not hard"

"Are you sure that's what you really want to do? stay at home all day every day?"

"Yes. I like being around my family all the time."

"When growing up, all you talked about was-"

"Yes, I know. Moving to LA. But I don't want that anymore. I realized how hard it was." As I said that, I could spot the frustration on my moms face as I had kept interrupting her.

"Jas I just want you to be successful"

"Mom, I'm fine. I appreciate that but I'll do okay."


"I'm gonna go to the Dolan's. Hang with them for a bit. I'll see you later."

I'm Sorry, Again | E.DWhere stories live. Discover now