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I look at my phone to check the time.

ugh this is going by way too fast.

"Okay, so we actually don't have any Sprite. But we have Root Beer and Diet Coke?"

"I'll just have a Root Beer" I smile, stretched out across the couch.

Ethan looks back into the fridge and grabs two Root Beers.

I sit up as he comes back to the couch. I re-situate my necklace.

"Hey, so is Gray going back to LA with you? orrr" my voice floods with concern as I take the soda can from Ethan's hands. Condensation already built up around it.

"As of now, no. But we're hoping everything comes back to him and once it does my parents will fly him back out."

"Poor kid."

"Yeah." Ethan frowns.

"How is he?"

"Well he's still asleep, he's been sleeping a lot more. And he doesn't really act like himself. But we talked about you last night."


"Yeah, I told him how-" ethan gets cut off by grayson's bedroom door opening.

"Ethannn?" Grayson calls.

"I'm down here bud" Ethan yells back.

"I don't feel like walking downstairs" he complains.

"Just come down. Jasmine is here too"

I hear gray gasp. He runs down the stairs yelling "JASMINEEE"

"uh, hey gray" I almost question.
He runs over, jumping on me.

"Grayson are you okay?"

"Whats wrong, Jas..? we always used to wrestle"

"Wait what" I choke on my soda, so does ethan.

"We always-"


"what? did I do something wrong?" he backs up.

"Grayson, you remember me" I smile so big it hurts.

"OH MY GOSH I REMEMBER YOU" it finally hits him. I hug him so tight.

"I'm so sorry Jas"

"Hey, we already discussed this. Stop with all the 'sorry's"

"Sorry I-.. yeah, i know. I feel bad. Did I make you upset?"

"Terrified" ethan answered for me.

"Ughh I feel so bad" Grayson tugs his hair.

"Hey, chill out, it's over now." I put my hand on his shoulder.

I'm Sorry, Again | E.DWhere stories live. Discover now