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I run down the stairs as my mom yells, "Dinner is ready!"

"Yesss what did you make" James follows me.

"Mashed potatoes. Your father is finishing up the steak."

"Finishing?" my shoulders slump

"yep" my mom dances around the kitchen as she makes her way to the fridge for drinks.

"You said dinner was ready" I whine.

"yeah mom" James mimicked my complaining tone.

"go sit down" my mom giggled.

Just then my dad walks inside from the grill with the steaks. The amazing scent fills the room, making my mouth water. James' leg starts bouncing from impatience.

We get everything settled and pray over our food. Finally we start eating.

"So, Jasmine" my dad puts more salt on his pile of mashed potatoes.

"yeah?" I look at James and back at my dad.

"What are you planning to do now?"

"With what?"

"Well, are you planning to go back to school?" my mom takes a sip from her iced sweet tea.

"Oh, uhm. I'm not sure" my voice lowers. James gives a sympathetic look. I rest my chin in the palm of my hand and play around with my food.

"Elbows off the table." my dad strictly states.

"It's not like we're eating dinner in the White House or something." I mumble, not intending for anyone else to hear except for maybe James.

"Excuse me, young lady I won't tolerate that attitude" my mom strikes.

"what attitude" I purse my lips.

"Go to your room" my dad demands. I giggle. Okay, like that's a punishment anymore. I have a mini fridge, a TV, all my electronics, and everything else I need in there.

"Okay" I say in a perky tone. I skip up the stairs and close my door.

I plop down onto my bed and heavily breathe out. My phone dings quite a few times so I check the screen.

E❤️: jas
E❤️: please answer
E❤️: i'm not playing around this is serious

Me: babe calm down. is everything okay?

E❤️: no
E❤️: come to the hospital

Me: why?! what happened?!?

E❤️: it's grayson.

I'm Sorry, Again | E.DWhere stories live. Discover now