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My stomach has a slight burn feeling at the thought of something happening to Ethan.

he wouldn't just walk off.

I close the car doors and cautiously walk up to the Dolan's door. I hear faint music. It's Sunset lover, by Petit Biscuit. Though it is more quiet. I slowly open the door. I see fairy lights all around, along with candles. After closing the door, I turn to the left, going into the living room. There, I see ethan standing in the middle of the room, with ten roses in his hand. I notice that they are all red, except for one. It's white. Gray, Lisa, Cam, and Sean are all on one of the living room couches. My parents are on the other.

I would've pictured this with james standing aside, cheering me on.

This isn't what I think it is...

I slowly walk up to Ethan. My heart rate picking up more and more with every step I take. You know that feeling when you can actually feel your heart burning from excitement, or nervousness? That's currently me.

"Jasmine." Ethan takes my hands in his, softly.

"Ethan" I whisper, smiling uncontrollably.

"I've loved you from the day I met you," he started, "even though we were so little, I knew there was something so special about you. Whether it was the way you swayed your shoulders to hide your face when you laughed. Or the way you're eyes glowed so deeply and burned into my memory. Or the way your bite you're lip when you're nervous, or even concentrated. Maybe it was the way you cared so much about everyone. You have such a kind soul, and you always did. It didn't take long at all to realize how much you've always meant to me. After you moved away before high school, I could never stop thinking about you. I needed you, Jas."

He let go of my hands and held up the roses. He took one from the bundle.

"Number one. I love you because you never fail to make me happy." he gave it to me, picking out another.

"Number two. I love you because of the way you never leave my mind." He also handed it to me. After picking out another, he continued.

"Number three. I love you because you never stop trying to keep me in your life. Even though you couldn't get rid of me even if you tried" we all chuckled.

"Number four. I love you because you put me before yourself. You go out of your way to make sure I am okay at all times. But what you don't realize, is that you're happiness comes first."

"Number five. I love you because of the way you make me so crazy. I couldn't stop craving you, even if I tried. Not sexually. But I just feel the need to always have you in my arms."

"Number six. I love you because you are such an amazing influence on everyone. You make sure everyone does their best, so that they can succeed. I saw the way you were with James. You may not know it but it makes me adore you that much more. We all miss him so much. But I'm here beside you, every step of the way."

"Number seven. I love you because even though you were on a vacation with your friend and had received the letter from SCSU telling whether you made it in or not, you waited to fly home to your family to open it right in front of them. Because you wanted to make them even more proud than they already are."

"Number eight. I love you because you are confident. You know that there's no point in hating yourself, when there's only one you. You accept yourself, and walk with confidence. Although in my eyes you're way over perfect."

"Number nine. You're the one for me." he gave me the last red rose.

I notice he white one doesn't have a stem. Nor does it look real at all.

it looks like a jewelry box.

"Jazzy I love you. I love you more than words could say and I want to let you know. I need you in my life." he grabs my face.

"I need you in mine." I whisper. I know that once I even try to use my voice, my eyes will become water fountains.

"I know that I could never live without you, and I promise to love you forever." He grabs my hand once more. He kneels down on one knee.

I lost it.

I let my tears go.

"Jasmine Renae Leski. Will you marry me?"

I'm Sorry, Again | E.DWhere stories live. Discover now