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My eyes gently flutter open, adjusting to the extremely bright light above. The ceiling and walls are pure white.

I feel a slight pain in my leg and once I look at it, I immediately remember what happened. I must have passed out from loss of blood.

"Oh, you're awake. Hi girly, I'm Nurse Stephanie. Is everything feeling alright?"

"Well my leg, here, actually feels very healthy and feels amazing." I sarcastically smile. She giggles for a second.

"I'm sorry about your leg, haha. How exactly did it happen? Your mother was so in shock, she couldn't really speak." she puts on some gloves and grabs a tube of something.

"W-well we were just in the kitchen, preparing lunch. I had music playing and we were dancing around, when I slipped and the knife, just, ya know" I point to my leg and laugh.

"Oo, yeah I've done that, but it landed in my hand." she lightly laughs, and so do I.

"That must've sucked" I cringe thinking about it.

"Trust me, it did. And afterwards I had-"

There was suddenly a knock on the door, and then it cracked open.

"Up for visitors?" it was Ethan.

I had almost forgotten about my leg. I was about to stand up to hug him but once the intense pain came back, I remembered I couldn't.

"Aren't you supposed to be at school? ...In California?" I hold my arms out, signaling for him to come over to me.

"Well, I'll leave you two alone. I'll be back to check in after a few minutes." Stephanie waved as she closed the door behind her.

"Jas, how in the world did this happen?" he said, ignoring my question.

"Extremely long story."

"I have time." he grabs my hand, gently. A grin spreads across my face.

"Get ready for this."

I'm Sorry, Again | E.DWhere stories live. Discover now