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"woah, jas, you look a mess. Rough night?"

"Yeah. Just miss them already"

"Well, you survived months without them, I think you'll be fine" James chuckles as he puts more bacon on his plate. I grab my own glass plate and dish out some scrambled eggs mixed in with sausage. Kinda ignoring James comment, I bring my breakfast mom had prepared to the kitchen island. The barstool scratches the wooden floor as I pull it further out in order to sit on it.

As I lower myself onto the stool, I feel something crinkle in my jeggings back pocket.

It's the paper that one girl had given me.

Yes, I fell asleep in yesterday's outfit. I was so knocked.

"Is everything okay?" James noticed I'm concentrated.

"Y-yeah, hold on" I reach for the paper and pull it out of the pocket. I unwrinkled it, reading what was written in sloppy cursive.

"hey jasmine. I know you might be busy with the twins in all. But years back while the twins were Juniors in highschool, I made this video. And it's really important to me that you watch it. So please, take this, watch it. Much love, -Virginia Loffi"

virginia loffi. cute name.

I take the USB card from the foggy tape, tearing the paper, running up to my room.

I grab my laptop and insert it. A window pops up, and I press "play".

"dear Ethan Grant Dolan's future girlfriend." a girls voice speaks as pictures and videos of ethan slide across the screen.

my stomach dropped

"hey. To you, I'm just some over obsessive, paranoid fan"

i shake my head
no you're not.

"and maybe I am. But you. You're special. You are very very special to each and every one of us. Because we know that you're the reason for the smile on this precious boys face. And if that's true, I hope you stay forever."

i bite my lip, not daring to cry

"you got the boy we all dreamed of having."

all of the sudden i feel guilty. my nose tingles, just before my eyes start getting misty.

"He makes us happy. He makes us smile and laugh when we don't want to. All we want is to be in his arms and cuddle with him when we are cold. We want him to be happy at all times, and to kiss and comfort him any moment he isn't. But you? You get to do that. So hold him tight and never let him go."

i let out a heavy breath and squeeze my eyes shut, for a moment

"We need you. Some fans will get angry and throw hate at you. They're just jealous that they can't actually have them. And yeah, everyone in the fandom is jealous, and we'll all be sad at first. But give it time and we'll come around. We'll grow to love you because I know for a fact that if this boy tells you he loves you, you're his entire world"

tears stream down my face, tickling my jaw.

"but I am certain that I speak for everyone here. I have one last thing to say."

i lean forward from suspension as if i was watching a movie

"I love you, so much. Thank you."

I'm Sorry, Again | E.DWhere stories live. Discover now