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I run into the hospital and see the Dolans pacing around.

"what is it where is he is he okay" I rumble my words together.

"he's in the room, we can't see him yet."

"but what happened?!" I try to ease my breathing.

"He fell down the stairs and hit his head really hard, he blacked out" Lisa tried to pull the corners of her mouth into a smile, as a tear slips her eye. I immediately go and hug her,
"I'm sorry Lisa"

"aw baby don't be sorry. you didn't do anything"

"I know that, but I'm still sorry, he's your son"

"Well thank you, Jasmine" her voice cracks. Ethan comes and wraps his arms around my waist. I turn around to face him and he looks like he's been crying for the past hour or so. His eyes and lips puffy, his cheeks red and tear stained. I frown sympathetically and gently kiss his lips. His lips are literally my weakness.

"Dolan?" a male doctor calls. We all turn and face him.

"You may see him now" he nods. We slowly walk, I grab Ethan's hand. As we enter the room it suddenly becomes cold and quiet.

His eyes are closed, his chest slowly rises and declines.

After about ten minutes his eyes start to flutter open. We stand up and rush to the hospital bed that holds his resting body. He looked at Lisa and Sean first, and smiled.

"Hey mom, hey dad"

"Hey bup, how are you feeling" Sean rubs his arm.

"Tired. My head really hurts but I'll be okay" he smiles reassuringly.

He looks towards Ethan and his smile grows very wide, but then he spots me and it fades away.

"Who's that?"

Silence fills the room.

We look at each other.

I put my hand over my mouth as my lips quiver.

"That's.. that's Jasmine."


"yeah bud" i try smiling as my voice cracks. Along with my heart.

"Are you a.. doctor?"

"Gray, don't you remember her?" Ethan's voice cracks as well as Grayson shakes his head. Gray looks a bit nervous.

"Grayson.." Lisa lets out a big breath, we're all shocked at the moment.

"what? who is this girl?" Grayson raises is voice. I turn around and hug Ethan tightly as I start to cry harder.

"You and Ethan grew up with her. She's your best friend" Sean slowly says.

Grayson stays silent. I look up at Ethan and back at Gray. We all kinda stare at each other.

"I'm gonna go" I let go of ethan and walk out the door.

I'm Sorry, Again | E.DWhere stories live. Discover now