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I get to my car and hear Ethan running after me but ignore it. He catches up and blocks me from getting in my car.

"Jas you can't leave"

"Ethan, he has no idea who i am. My best friend has lost all memory of me."

"I know I know. It's okay, we can figure something out."

"Where's cam"

"She's at home, she's sick"

"I'm going to her"

"Jas, she has a fever. You'll get sick too"

"I don't care I wanna talk to her"

"Don't leave. Stay, please. For me. I need you right now" he puts his hands on my cheeks.

"Ethan.." i whisper. I can't use my voice, I know I'll just start crying again.

"Please. I love you"

"I love you too baby" i hold onto his wrists as his hands are still cupping my face. He pulls me closer and softly places a kiss on my forehead. I close my eyes and rest my head on his chest.

"okay. I'll stay." I smile with compassion.

"okay" he sighed of relief.

"But first can we go get some food? I'm starving" I giggle.

"Yeah, me too" he opens the driver door for me and I laugh. I hop into the car and he makes sure i'm settled before closing the door. He jogs over the the passenger side and gets in the car.

"okay. Where do you wanna eat?"

"Mellow Mushroom? I'm so up for pizza" I laugh.

"Okay, sounds good. But, I propose a deal" he smirks.

"What is it?" I back out of the parking space carefully.

"Half whatever you want, but the other half pineapple"

"ewww how can you eat that garbage" I laugh even harder.

"It's goodddd, give it a chance"

"no way. But, sure we can get half pineapple for you, because you're needy" I say with a smirk.

He laughs and looks around.

"Need something?" I glance at him, then look back to the road.

"yeah, you got an aux cord?"

I laugh and pull it out.

"thank youuu" he sings.

"But don't play any songs that are trash" I say with sarcasm flooding my voice.

"hm. okay, fine. let's play a song you want, since you're so needy" he mocks what I told him minutes before.

"Play Apartment, by Bobi Andonov."

"YESS OUR SONG" he cheers.

We jam out in the car for a while.
I hold his hand the whole way.

I completely forgot about everything.

I let loose and cleared my mind.

Except for one thing.


He's my everything.

I wanna stay with this man forever.

I'm Sorry, Again | E.DWhere stories live. Discover now