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"Hey, you doing alright?" Ethan looks at me as I pace around my room.

I stand still and think for a second. I sit down on my bed in front of him, the both of us crossing our legs. Our knees touched.

"I.. I really don't know. Yeah, I'm a little sad but it's not like it's Grayson's fault he can't remember me, ya know?"

"Yeah, I get it" he smiles and nods.

"I don't know" I mumble and look down as I pick a nail.

"Hey, jas. Look at me" he puts his hands on my thighs. It actually felt pretty protecting.

"It's gonna be okay. He'll get better, I promise" he quietly says as he tucks a piece of hair behind my ear.

"Thanks, E. I love you, i really do." a giggle escaped. He started laughing along but then his face went blank.

"Ethan, what is it?"


"What? it's okay, please tell me"

"you know I go back for college tomorrow."

"oh. yeah I haven't really thought about that."

"Jasmine, I don't wanna leave"

"I don't want you to leave either"

"So come back with me. Try to get enrolled again"

"Ethan you know I can't do that"

"Wh-Why not" he looks deeper in my eyes. I looked away, as my nose tingled. Whenever I'm about to cry, my nose tingles about three seconds before my eyes start watering up. It's kinda helpful.

"Because this is my home. I wanna stay here, I love it here. James, my parents, my old friends."

"But what about your dream to live in LA? growing up that's all you talked about. What about Violeta?"

"I can visit with her every now and then."

"Jazzy, what about me?" his voice cracked.

I slightly gasped. He hasn't called me Jazzy since elementary school. Once middle school hit, i told him to stop because i thought it sounded too childish. I bit my lip and choked back my cries.

"I love you so much, Ethan. I don't wanna be away from you but I just can't go back and I need you to understand that"

He thought for a minute. "okay." was all he said before getting up and walking out of my room. he was about to close the door when he re-opened it just enough for me to see the side of his face. before closing it, he says

"and I love you more jasmine."

I'm Sorry, Again | E.DWhere stories live. Discover now