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"You're over thinking this, maybe he went to Steven's house without remembering to say bye" I suggest.

"But what if-"

"Mom, him and Steven have been best friends since middle school. It's normal for him to just walk outa the house to go. Let's drive there first, okay?" I put my hand on hers, calming her down. She takes deep breaths, nodding.

We arrive at Steven McAlley's home. My mom seems nervous. She's always gotten tense around Steven and his family, for some reason.

"Jasmine I don't think this is a good ide-"

"Mom, everything will be okay. It's not a big deal we're just asking if they've seen James"

I hop out of the car and walk up to the door. I knock, his mom answers right away.

"Oh, Leski's! Wanna come in?" She smiles brightly. Mrs. McAlley is a dentist, so her teeth are blindingly white.

My mom lightly grabs my arm, as if I'd run off or something.

"Well we just-"

"Yes, we would love to come in" I cut off my mom. I give her a look and she follows behind.

"Great. Go ahead, sit down, feel at home." she brings us to the living room, "so what brings you two here today?"

"Well we couldn't find James after breakfast, we were thinking he wondered off over here. Have you seen him?"

"No, but I'm sure he's fine. Want anything to drink?" She talks in a voice as if she's trying to comfort us, but it's giving me goosebumps.

"Well we-"

"I'll just get you two some water. I'll be right back" she sways her hips, but she walks swiftly. She makes a pit stop in the kitchen and I hear something scrape against what sounds like wood.

"Oh, before I get your drinks, I'll ask my husband if he wants anything" she stutters. I eye her as she turns out of the kitchen into the Master Bedroom. as she closes the door, I see a knife in her hand.

"Mom we need to go" I whisper.
she's frozen. Tears falling.

"Sweetie I..." she can't finish.

"Mom.. you knew something?" I slowly back up. She nods, sniffling quietly.

"I know their past, I know they're bad people. But James always demanded to hang out with Steven, so I let him."

"Do you... think that they-" I stop speaking as I hear the Master Bedroom doorknob slowly twisting.

My mind races.

"Mom, upstairs" I pull her off the sofa and we tiptoe up the stairs.

"Jasmine, now we're cornered. If she intends to hurt us, she has control."

"I know a way, follow me"

"Jas? I-"

"Do you trust me?" I huff.

"what?" she seems taken back.

"Do you trust me" I say slowly, more serious.

"uh o-okay, fine. I'll follow you."

Their house is huge. We have room to run if we need. Plenty of hiding spaces and plenty of secret escapes. I have this place wired, I know it like the back of my hand.

There were multiple times I've had to drive James here, so a few of those times I went in, getting to know the McAlleys.

My thoughts were interrupted when I heard a creak at the bottom of the stairs, and a quiet swear.

"she knows we're up here. Go into the third door on the right, that's the Bathroom. I know a way to get out from there but I need you to trust me on this." I whisper. She's shaking.

"Mom, she's getting closer. Go in the bathroom and no matter what, don't wait for me. If you.. If you hear.. anything.. climb out the window and go to the other side of the roof. There you can jump down into the grass but I need you to run as fast as you can to the car." I say as fast as possible, I hear tiptoes getting closer.

"Baby no I can't leave you behind" she's crying harder.

"Don't cry, you'll get caught." I ignore what she said. I know if I think about it, I'll start crying to, and there's no time for that. I push her into the bathroom and close the door. I hear it lock and I smirk to myself. I slowly stand up, processing how to start my distraction.

"Not so fast."

I'm Sorry, Again | E.DWhere stories live. Discover now