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"JASMINE" Grayson yells with excitement. He runs and hugs me. After laughing for a second he notices James and they talk for a while.

I look over at Ethan and he is just quietly standing there.

I feel bad but I pretend I don't notice.

"Hey Cam!" I walk over and hug her and we catch up a bit.

Our parents are all talking and it looks like they're really into it so we might be here a while. I look back at James and he nods. I take a breath and walk over to Ethan.

"Hey" I slightly smile.

"Sup." He nods.

"Look I get it, you may not be to happy with me and probably don't wanna talk to me and I completely understand that and honestly I deserve it and I just-"

He cuts me off.
But this time it wasn't with words.
He kissed me.

Everyone becomes quiet.
All of the sudden Grayson yells "WOOOHOO" and high fives James. People walking past us stare at him.

"My bad" he waves. We all kinda laugh but it dies down quickly. I look back at Ethan.
We stand there for a bit.
Just staring into each other's eyes.
I look deeply into his.
The ones I've missed to dearly.

"Don't be sorry, jasmine."

"Don't call me that."


"My friends call me Jas, if you didn't know" I smirk. He lets out a breath and chuckles.

"I've missed that."

"Missed what?" I laugh.

"That. The way you find yourself so funny. Your sarcasm. And then your beaming eyes that make me feel unlimited happiness"


"Yeah, Ethan. Just kiss me again" I blush.

Everyone cheers and I can't help but break the kiss by laughing.

"So you guys are together again?"
Grayson looks around.

"Well. Do you still love me?" Ethan asks.


"James shut up"


I look back to Ethan.
"Who said I ever stopped" I sweetly shake my head.

"I never gave up on you. I called you every night. Every night for-"

"Three hundred and fifty-three Days." (I swear, if you don't get that reference..)

We hug once more and turn back to everyone else.

We all carry on with our conversations and I go and hug Grayson again.

"I missed you" he says.

"I missed you too" I smile. We laugh and I look over and see James talking with Ethan. He has the biggest smile on my face, it warms my heart.

"You know, he really missed you guys"



"We missed him too. He might've been a few years younger, but the kid is really cool."

"Yeah." My smile grows "oh, I almost forgot" I start to laugh.

"What?" Grayson laughs because of my laugh.

"He has a huge crush on cam" I whisper into his ear.

"AHHHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA" Grayson falls onto the floor from laughing.

"RIGHT?" I fall onto the floor with him. My stomach starts to hurt from laughing so hard.

I look around. At all my family and friends. In this moment I couldn't be more happy.

I'm Sorry, Again | E.DWhere stories live. Discover now