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four months later

ring ring

"Hello?" I answer the unknown number.

"Hey may I speak to Kelsey"

"sorry, you have the wrong number" I laugh. The boy on the other end of the line laughs along.

"Sorry about that, I hope I didn't interrupt anything" he says nervously.

"Don't worry about it." I smile even though he can't see me.

"Okay, haha. Bye"

"Bye, good luck with Kelsey" I laugh again before hanging up.

I lay back in the bed.

ugh it's too early. I can't get up.

I feel a slight shuffle beside me.

Arms suddenly wrap around my waist.

"Who were you talking to" Ethan's tired, husky voice lingers.

"Some kid. He had the wrong number"

"Oh okay. Well we better get home." He sits up from his laying position.

"I don't want to baby" I whine.

"I know, I don't either. But I promised your parents to have you home last night. Instead we crashed at a hotel. The fair was very fun in all, but it's morning now and I don't want your dad upset with me." he kisses my forehead and walks to the bathroom.

I stand up and adjust my shirt. Well, it's really his shirt but I was cold in my tank top, so he gave me a long sleeve adidas shirt that he had in his backpack.

i miss James so much.
We had James funeral a few weeks after the accident. It was the worst day of my life.

"Okay, ya ready to go?" he walks out of the bathroom.

"Yeah, we better get going." I walk towards to door and he stops me.

"no" he grabs my arm.


"I always open the door for you." He stands up straight. I sarcastically scoff.

"I'm hungry. Wanna stop for some food?" Ethan looks at me, as his hand rests on my thigh.

"Sure. Can we go to Chi-"

"Yes we can go to Chick-fil-a."

"Hey boyfriends don't cut off their girlfriends mid-sentence." I put my hand over my chest dramatically.

"Omg shut up" he lightly shoved me. We laugh for a bit, but soon I get quiet, looking out the window.

Ethan shouldn't be here right now. He should be at school. He's been home since the accident at the McAlley's. I asked him why he was here, and he ignored it. I know something's up, but I just don't wanna pressure him.

I'm Sorry, Again | E.DWhere stories live. Discover now