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I brought our food over to our table.

"mmm smells good" Ethan rubbed his hands together enthusiastically.

"Yeah, it does" I laughed along.
We started eating and for the first few seconds enjoyed the food, but then got straight to talking.

"Okay, so something has been on my mind for a while" I nervously bring up.

"What is it? Did I do something?" Ethan stops eating and becomes stiff.

"no, baby, you didn't" I giggled, "but I've just been thinking about something, about us" I continued.

"Okay..?" Ethan nervously looked around.

"Don't worry. It isn't anything bad, I promise. I was just thinking, how serious are we? I wanna know if there's commitment"

"Jas. You know I am committed to you, don't think otherwise. I love you and I always will." he assured with a smile. My heart melted.

"And besides. I think we are getting pretty serious. We've been together for a while, minus the whole situation. I wouldn't wanna spend my time with anyone else" he takes a bite out of his sandwich.

"awww babe. I love you"

"Are you blushing, Leski?"

"Are you mocking me, Dolan?"

"Maybe. But I've got advice"

"And what might that be" my eyebrows climb my forehead slowly.

"It's not the best idea to laugh at your future last name." he joked.

Or was it a joke?

What if we get married in a few years?

oh my gosh

My breathing becomes heavy.

"Imma use the restroom real quick"

"Oh, okay" he stops laughing and looks worried.

"I'm okay, I promise. Just have to pee" I laughed. He shrugged and laughed along.

I get to the bathroom and lock the door. I rinse my face with water and look up at the mirror after drying off. I rest my hands agains the sink and sigh.

i love ethan. extremely. i want to have his last name. but what if he was just joking. what if it's not gonna happen. i'm overthinking this too much.

I'm Sorry, Again | E.DWhere stories live. Discover now