Chapter 1

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So this fanfic was kinda inspired by Cars 1 with my own twists and turns. I hope you guys like it!

a) All the characters look the same (physical form, face, etc) but they're just wearing modern clothes since this is a Modern!AU
b) Jack won't behave like himself so please, bear with it
c) This chapter was re-written thanks to Wattpad deleting the whole thing so it might be a bit crappy.


"And the Light Cup goes to Jack Frost!" The announcer yelled, his voice somewhat distant as fans went nuts and screamed their heads off. A man, wearing black from head to toe, walked up the stage, shook hands with the Chief Guest before he received his award, his key to the final race.

He walked ahead and shook hands with the two announcers and even kissed the hand of the female announcer, who swooned at his touch. He winked at the cameras and ran a hand through his silver-white hair which sent the paparazzi crazy. He accepted the mic from the announcers and turned to the crowd.

"What's up America?!" Jack Frost yelled into the mic, which had the whole audience screaming. "Sweet!" He gave a wide grin before starting his speech. He thanked his trainers, his family, and his company president for giving him an opportunity to race, blah blah, all the stuff that was expected of him to tell. He finished his speech with a smirk and a wink, kissing his cup for all the photos to be taken. 

The Light Cup was the award given to the winner of the semifinals of the legendary Race of Rapidity, a race to determine the best person with speed, agility, and quick wit to get them out of trouble. To Jack, earning the Light Cup was nothing since his eyes were on the main thing: The Tachyons Cup, which is awarded to the winner of the Race of Rapidity in the finals.

Once at least a hundred pictures were taken, he stepped down from the stage, hearing the speaker announce the runner-up for the Light Cup, Hiccup Haddock, who would also be entering the finals.

After a while of talking with the managers of the other companies and flirting with some beautiful ladies, Jack walked around with his Cup in his hand. He spotted Hiccup sitting with his dragon Toothless, riding whom Hiccup competes in the races. And sitting with them was the beautiful Astrid Haddock, ex-racer who recently got married to the auburn-haired racer. The two shared a loving smile before Hiccup saw Jack. He waved at him in a friendly manner, but Jack ignored them and just walked away. He noticed his own company standing a few meters ahead and walked over to them.

"Well done Jack!" said North, CEO of the Guardians Inc., which was the company sponsoring Jack with all his races.

"Yeah, the race was awesome!" Toothiana, North's secretary, gushed before she slapped him on his back. Next to her, Sandy, one of Jack's managers, gave him a thumbs up to show his support.

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