Chapter 16

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"Tooth, I really don't want Elsa staying here. You know it gets hard for me whenever I even look at her." Manny sighed.

"So? You're just gonna run away, or in this case, chase her away? Her entire family lives there, you know. It's your problem so deal with it." Tooth chided.

"What if I don't want to?" Manny raised an eyebrow.

"Well, sucks to be you." Tooth sassed. "But honestly Manny, get your head out of your ass and accept the truth already. Try to deny as much as you want to but you love Elsa. You're just forcing yourself to hate her."

"No, I'm not. She's the reason Adgarr and Iduna are dead!" Manny hissed.

"NO! Pitch is the reason they're dead! And I'm sick and tired of repeating this for years now! Don't you have any sense of shame? Or belief in the girl whom you raised for more than eight years when she had no one else to depend on in the celebrity life?"

"The girl I raised is already dead."

"And who killed her? I mean, even an idiot like yourself should be capable of understanding that Elsa wouldn't have changed if you had helped her, instead of believing the words of a business-minded scumbag who would've had no problem with killing her!"


"Yes, Manny?"

"Can you or can you not make Elsa stay in the city?"

"Absolutely can not."

"Then I have nothing to talk to you."


"Good day."

And he hung up.

Manny sighed, rubbing his brows in frustration before stuffing his phone into his pocket. He stared into the distance for some time, feeling conflicted as always before he decided that a cup of tea would help. But just as he walked towards the rink, he heard something land behind him, which had him on alert.

"Who's there?" He asked, his cane clenched tightly in his hand.

"So that's why you hate her..."

Jack Frost stepped out from behind a few trees, realisation clear on his face. And any hope that Manny had of no one hearing him flew right out of the window.

Manny glared at him coldly, trying to intimidate him into silence. "I thought you left, Mr Frost."

Jack ignored him and just walked forward, eyes staring through Manny's soul. "You think that- or more specifically Pitch Black told you that Elsa is the reason her parents are dead. And he is the one who killed them."

"Lies are not to be believed, Frost." Manny sneered.

"Even though you know that Pitch murdered her parents, you still want to believe that Elsa is the cause."

"Get lost boy," Manny growled.

"But why? I do not see any reason for you to blame her. Pitch wanted her out of the game and seemingly killed her parents to make sure she doesn't win. But no matter how you look at it, Pitch is still the murderer, even if he killed them just to make her lose. So why do you still believe that she killed them? Elsa, their own daughter."

"I have no reason to answer you, you punk." Manny glared, eyes wide with anger. "Now get out of my sight before I obliterate you."

"Sure. One more word of denial from you and this whole conversation gets sent to Elsa." Jack smirked.

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